Chapter 3

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Damon's P.O.V.

"Oh my god!" Emily squealed and hugged the other woman pushing Nik out of the way.

As the two woman hugged and talked, Nik walked over to where I was standing. He was smiling like a cat who just ate the canary.

"So, found your mate huh?" I asked looking him over

He nodded looking back at our mates. "Yeah, and funny thing is Sage is the betas daughter."

I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Well it's good to know that I'm not the only one here who feels like my mates' father will kick my ass if something happens."

Nik chuckled and looked back at me. "Oh yeah! So how does it feel to have Jacques daughter as your mate?"

I shrugged. Truth be told it didn't intimidate me like it may with other males. I know her father is a powerful man and he would do everything in his power to protect the ones he loves, but I have no plans to hurt Emily.

Before Nik could say more, Sage practically through herself into his arms giggling. I just laughed shaking my head. When I looked up I saw Emily standing a few feet from me, with a small smile playing on her lips. I reached out and pulled her towards me wrapping an arm around her waist. She tucked her head against my shoulder after a slight hesitation.

I cleared my throat at the other couple practically making out in front of us.

"Nik." I waited for he and sage to turn toward us. "I want you to officially meet my mate. Emily Evans." I looked down at her. "Darlin' this is Nik, my beta."

They shook hands and Nik gave her a slight bow. "Luna."

She giggled. "Please. We aren't even mated yet, Nik. Even when we are please call me Emily."

He smiled at her again and pulled Sage to his side.

"Ems, I can't believe we found our mates on the same night! And from the same pack!" Her friend squealed again and I groaned. "Nik and I have decided we will be mated as soon as possible. What about you to? Oh wait! You are going to let him mark you tonight after the announcement right?"

Emily lowered her gaze and shook her head. "No. We are going to wait."

"What? Alpha why? You know how curricle it is to complete the bond after mates find each other. Why prolong it?" Nik questioned me.

I growled in his direction when I felt Emily tense up.

"It was our decision together and I will respect what my mate wishes. This isn't the time or place to discuss this, Nikolas."

Sage reached for Emily just as her father stepped into the throng of people. "Ladies and Gentlemen will you please gather in the meeting hall. We have a few topics to discuss tonight. Also my wife and I have a very important announcement to make."

Everyone started moving to the double doors leading back into the hall. When Nik and Sage stepped away I pulled Emily back to me and cupped her cheek in one hand.

"Are you okay, Love?" I kept my voice soft.

She nodded. "Yes, Damon. I'm fine. Just worried if I made a bad choice on waiting."

I kissed her forehead. "Babe, it was a decision that we both made. If I wanted to disagree, I would have already marked you. Please don't worry too much on it. I will give you the time you requested. I know this can be a lot to take on."

She looked up at me smiling then kissed my lips softly.

I arched an eyes brow at her. "What was that for?"

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