Chapter 18

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Emily's P.O.V

I slowly pull what was left of my shirt and bra off my body, wincing as the material scratched across the gashes. I turn to get a look at my back and gasp. Marks cross all over my over my back from my shoulders down to my hip. There are a few marks that wrap around my body to my stomach. One even landed right under one of my breasts.

Tears stream down my cheeks as I take in my appearance. What has he done to me? I step into the shower to wash the dried blood from my body and hair. Trying to keep the tears at bay I finish my shower and wrap a towel around my waist. As I walk into my room thoughts of Damon cross my mind. Even if he wanted to accept me he wouldn't want me now. My body was a mess and I was broken.

I was so lost in my own thoughts that I didn't notice someone sitting on my bed until I heard them clear their throat. I look up and see Demetri, who had a small smirk across his lips.

"So I see you decided to clean up. If I may, you don't leave much to my imagination standing infront of me in nothing but a towel." He let his gaze rake across my body.

I take a step back from him and tighten my hands on my towel. "What do you want Demetri?"

He narrows his eyes at me as he stands and makes his way to me. "What did I tell you about talking to me like that? Didn't you learn your lesson down in the cellar? And what about that little stunt you pulled with Sarah?"

My eyes widen by a fraction. "I don't know what you are talking about."

He steps close enough to me to where we were almost touching and I was pressed up against a wall. "No? Well let me replay what happened in my office just a few moments ago. She came to me directly, because she's that loyal to me, and informed me that you let our little secret of how we could have a child together out of the bag. She then proceeded to tell me you asked for help for this information. But not before she told me she was strong enough to be a mate for me. Let me guess, you planted those ideas into her pretty little head? Well love, because you wanted to be bold, you cost her, her life."

I gasp. "You didn't!"

His smile reminds me of a shark, deadly. "Oh I didn't do anything, you did. You sealed her fate when you opened your mouth." He examines his nails. "Not a spot of blood ended on me. Can't say the same for my office floor."

A tear rolls down my cheek and he reaches out to wipe it away. I smack his hand away then land a nice slap across his cheek. I expect the growl he lets out, but not when he grips my shoulders and throws me on the bed sitting right between my legs and pinning me down.

"You are mine! you will learn respect; you will heel to me. Or I will do a lot worse than whip you. I will have you begging for death." He growls out over me as he arches his hips into me.

"I am stuck here with a monster; I am already dead. And I am NOT yours. I never will be." I struggle to get away from him.

His grip tightens on my wrists and he pushes himself harder down into me. "That's where you are wrong. You will always be mine. And I am fixing to show you just how much you and your body belong to me."

I feel my towel being ripped from my body and his mouth wrapping painfully around one of my breasts.

He's going to rape us! Tessa's voice came in a wave of panic.

I won't let that happen. I'll fight him off as much as I can. I strain out.

His hand began to travel down to between my legs and he roughly inserted a finger inside me. He hisses. "So you do respond to me?" I thrash and buck my legs trying to free myself from his hold. Tears were streaming down my face as I kept screaming for him to stop.

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