Chapter 17

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Emily's P.O.V

I lay on the cold ground coming in and out of consciousness. The pain in my back radiates down my sides as well where the whip missed its mark and kissed my side or across my stomach. I felt so weak from the loss of blood that was pooling around me. This was it. This is how I am going to die. Laying in my own blood, on a cold ground. I really won't ever see my baby girl or my mate ever again.

"You're a fucking mess. Clean her up." Demetri's disgusted voice penetrates the air around me.

Then there is a cold splash of water thrown on me and it stings my back. My voice is so horse from screaming that all I can manage is a whimper.

"Doll, I wanted to let you know. I have moved the wedding and mating date up. As soon as you get cleaned up from this mess you caused, you will be brought to me to the location outside and we will begin." He leans down in front of me and grips my chin. "You will be mine tonight. I will have you marked and my child growing in you."

I stammer a laugh. "That's not possible. You're the undead. You can't have kids."

He smiles. "Oh that's where you are wrong again. With you I can. You blood is very special. You are the direct descendant of the Moon Goddess herself. All I need to do to ensure my child grows in you is to mark you and give you a little shot. It's a very special formula that was created by the very first witch. She made it when she fell in love with the first vampire king. See she wanted to bare his children. They wanted to create half breeds. But the Moon Goddess saw this as an abomination of her creations. So she altered the potion, since she couldn't destroy it. It can only be used on a direct descendant of her blood. And seeing as she never wanted two breeds mixing, she made it to where her genetic code hardly pops up. You are the first in over a hundred years. Aren't you lucky? We are going to make a werewolf and vampire hybrid together. We will be the parents of the most powerful, and strongest creature out there." He stood letting me fall back to the ground to process all this. Before he left though he turned to me. "Oh and you know what else I found out, while I had your little mate here with me? You, being a daughter of the Moon Goddess, are supposed to be the true mate of the Alpha King. Guess fate really screwed with you huh? Since there hasn't been a King in a few decades." He laughs at the last bit as if it were a joke.

He leaves the room and send two of his minions in to bring me back up to my room. I am dumped unceremoniously on my bed and left there withering in pain. Everything he had told me was swirling around in my head and I was beginning to get a head ache from it all. Soon the door to my bedroom opens and a very timid looking girl comes in. I think her name is Sarah. She walks over to me and helps me try to stand. Once I am able to I square my shoulders and stare her in the eye.

"I know about you and Demetri." I tell her honestly. She flinches and refuses to meet my gaze. "You don't have to hide it, I'm a wolf dear. I can smell you two on each other. The marks left on your body by him also gives it away. I really don't care. You can have him. I would rather die than let that monster touch me."

She lifts her head and finally meets my gaze. "Master isn't a bad lover. There's nothing monstrous about him. Sure he may get rough from time to time but the way he makes you feel is the best part." She blushes. Oh dear.

"You're in love with him aren't you?" I ask her.

She blushes even deeper. I clear my throat. "Do you want him? Have a family with him?"

She just nods, which makes me feel sick to my stomach. If what he said was true about the potion, then it wouldn't work on her. But if she's desperate to hold on to him like I think she is then this may work to my advantage. "Look you still can. If you get pregnant before he mates me then he'll stay with you."

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