Chapter 16

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Demetri's P.O.V

I swipe my tongue over the bite marks I left before I stand to fix myself, leaving Sarah panting and sated on the bed. After my argument with Emily, I started to feel restless, so I tracked down Sarah so I could use her body once again. I ended up using her all night and yet my sexual hunger still isn't satisfied. I don't know how long I will be able to hold off before I have to take Emily. I may want to take her like crazy as my mate and queen, but I am not going to give up the quick use of Sarah. She's just too good of a quick fuck.

I quickly stand wrap a robe around my naked form and throw her a towel. "Clean up and change. From now on you will be waiting on your queen when I have no use for you. You won't go to her with my scent on you. I don't plan on giving this up yet, but she won't find out about it either."

She bowed her head in submission to me. "Yes, sir."

"Leave. And send someone to change these sheets." I turn to my liquor cabinet and pull out the ruby liquid, my poison of choice, and pour a half glass. I allow the welcoming burn down the back of my throat as I hear the soft click of the door that was used by servants. The door lead down passage ways that ran along the back of the house that kept the servants and slaves out of the eyes of any one of importance.

After changing my clothes quickly, I walked down stairs to the kitchen and had someone fix Emily something to eat. Being a vampire, most of the population here didn't need human food. But we still had a stocked kitchen to feed the human servants we had. Some may see me as a monster, and they may be right. But I won't let those who serve me starve.

I grab the plate of fresh fruit and eggs along with a glass of apple juice and begin to take it up to her. When I reach her door I could hear soft sobs coming from somewhere in the room. I knew why she was crying and yeah I couldn't care less. She was here, and she is mine. I don't have a heart and don't care what makes her sad. It's just a stupid emotion she'll soon forget once I bind her to me.

I walk in her room without knocking and set the plate and glass on the night stand. I sit down on her bed her back is to me. Her shoulders shake softly with her sobs.

"I brought you some food, I want to show you around today so I want you to eat, shower and dress. Be ready in an hour." I stand and leave her not saying another word. I walk down to my office planning on doing some work in preparation for the ceremony. I have to make sure everything goes as plan.

When I look at the clock I had realize that I had let 2 hours pass since I had left her to get ready. So I make my way back up here room and find her still laying on her bed, in the same clothes she was wearing yesterday when she came here. The food I brought her lay untouched on the side table.

"I thought I told you to eat the food I brought you?" I state plainly.

She sat up and looks up at me. "I don't want a damn thing from you. As far as I am concerned you can take that damn plate and shove it so far up your ass that you'll be spitting it up for a week."

This girl really knows how to piss me off. "See darling, I thought you would have learned from last night. You wont speak to me in that manor nor will you disobey me. I guess its time I made an example out of you."

I reach forward and grip her by her hair and drag her out of her room on down the stairs. She wants to play hard, ill show her what playing hard really is.


Emily's P.O.V.

My scalp was on fire from how hard he was pulling my hair. We decend another flight of stairs, but this part was dark and dank. He dragged me into a cold stone looking room and dropped me to the floor. The scent of stale blood and rotting flesh engulf my nose to where I felt my stomach heave. I emptied the substance of my stomach on the floor where he had left me. The burning in my throat didn't ease for a while as I looked around me.

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