Chapter 4

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I plop down on my butt breathing hard and wincing at the pain in my left leg were Todd just deflected my kick with his own.

"Come on Ems, we've been at this for only 45 minutes. You shouldn't be tired already. You're getting slower. What wrong?" Todd sat next to me on the mat.

My father requires me to train with his best fighter, Todd McIntosh, does three hours every day. Not in just cardio and strength training, but in skill fighting as well. In both my skin and wolf forms. He added the skill fighting to my list of training a year ago after he had made the official announcement that I would become leader of our pack, even if I had found my mate, when the time came for me to take my father's spot when he either retired or was killed.

Now that I had found Damon, not only would I one day be his Luna once we are mated, but I would also have the responsibility of my pack. That is unless we either merge the two packs together and led them together. Or I handed the responsibilities over to my beta, making him the new alpha. Which is knew for a fact that Tyler, Sage's older brother and my appointed beta by blood, didn't want. He wouldn't be able to handle the pressures that came with the title. I still had time to think things over and discuss them with my father and Damon.

Todd snapped his fingers in my face. "Earth the Emily!"

I looked up at him, a dazed look on my face. "Huh?"

Todd shook his head causing his shaggy dirty blond hair to brush his ears.

"Look, I know you just met your mate and he is consuming your every waking thought, but we need to train and you have a long way to go before you're ready to face any of the other warriors in the test your father is going to make you go through to prove your readiness. You are getting better every day. But today you are slacking majorly. You have been messy and careless not only on your attacks but your blocks as well. Hell, my two-year-old pup can make better blocks then you showed today. Not to mention I predicted EVERYONE attack you came at me with. M.e.s.s.y." He bit out the last part.

I winced but nodded and stood.

"Fine. I'm sorry. You're right, my mind isn't in the game today. But it's not all because of Damon." I sighed at his raised eye brow. "I'm just... never mind. Let's do this again."

Todd hesitated a moment then nodded. "No more mistake Ems."

I nodded and got into fighting stance. Feet shoulder width apart knees slightly bent, arms raised. Todd did the same. I knew the drill, never go for the obvious attack and try to get your opponent to attack first.

I moved slightly to the left, getting Todd to think I was going to strike his leg and he flinched downward. I reached up and past his arms slamming my hand into his shoulder causing him to stagger back a bit.

"Good. Again." Todd grunted.

We went like this for the next hour or so. Trading and taking blow for blow. A few of the people who were in the gym with us, stopped and formed a wide circle around us. Everyone admired Todd when he was training or fighting. I dodged his hits and kicks. But a few did manage to make it through my blocks to my chest and back. I then felt a slight tingle run down my spine and smelt fresh rain in the air.


"Concentrate baby girl." His voice rang out.

I flinched a bit and one of Todd's spin kicks, that a pup could've blocked, landed right in my back causing me to cry out and fall to my hands and knees.

"Damn it! Emily you should've blocked that with ease." Todd sounded pissed.

A groan was my response as I tried to stand. I then felt warmth flow gently down my arms as I was helped to my feet. Damon's eyes met mine when I glanced up. I immediately looked away.

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