Legend of Tinder Woods V1.4

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A long time ago, there was a man named Richard "Tinder" Williams. He wandered the country in search of the perfect place to call home. One day, he found that perfect place. A small clearing in the middle of the woods. He built a cabin, started a small town, and lived his life. A week after the cabin was built, Richard was out cutting wood for a fire when he saw a man.

The man was unlike anything he's ever seen before. Dressed all in a pale leather, the scent of rotting flesh filling the air. "You'll never look away," the man whispered, his voice echoing in Richard's skull.

He stared at the man,and the man stared back. Whispers filled his mind, and a horrifying landscape filled his vision. Based on landmarks, he was in the same place. But he saw the nightmare within everything around him. He saw the darkness that nature kept hidden. And he couldn't look away.

Legend says days of staring at the same place left the man's face to bleach in the sun, melting his face so that he had no eyes, but could never look away from the nightmares no matter where he ran. No matter where he hid.

That is the end of the legend, but I can't help but feel that there is more to this story. Like a page or two missing from a book.

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