First Apperances

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3rd Person POV

Rewritten as of 12OCT19

She was twelve years old, having only just graduated from the academy not six months ago. To say everyone was shocked at what she was saying would be an understatement.

Everyone stared at the girl that spoke of knowledge and wisdom way past her age in awe.

"That's quite the perspective you have on things there, kid." Surprisingly, it wasn't Anko who spoke this time, it was Ibiki.

"Most people would just look at things as how they appear to be, in black and white." He continued. "What made you think of this that way?"

He along with everyone else was truly interested in what she had to say.

"Well, since our first day as a team, Kakashi-sensei always says to, 'look underneath the underneath.' so I always figured that things weren't always as they appeared, that there was alway more than meets the eye in any given situation." Sakura explained as she recalled their first team training exercise after the bell test.

Outside the interrogation room Kakashi smiled a crinkled eye smile behind his mask. Feeling pride as his student actually listened to him.

He knew there was a reason for Sakura being put on the team, other than her clear book smarts, she could retain information really well and apply it where she needed to.

She was also a quick learner with excellent chakra control, if the tree climbing exercise was anything to go by.

"Well I believe that concludes our interrog- I mean, our questioning." Anko said before fake coughing to cover up her mistake.

The Hokage clearly gave her a lecture when she slipped up the first time, she didn't need another one.

A slightly troubled look appeared on Sakura's face, making Anko pause in her move to stand up from the table.

"That is unless, there's something you need to say." Anko added at seeing the look on Sakura's face.

"Well there is one thing?" Sakura said, the sentence coming out more like a question than anything else.

Telling someone now was better than telling them later about the scroll Zabuza had given her in his dying moments.

"What is it?" Anko asked as she remained half seated and half standing.

"W-well..." How was she supposed to say this?

"C'mon kid, spit it out." Anko barked, getting annoyed with her lack in response time.

Really, there was no need to beat around the bush.

"Zabuza, gave me something..." Anko once again slammed her hands on the table and stood up completely.

"What!?" She asked incredulously. Even Ibiki uncrossed his arms in shock and faced her directly.

"What did he give you?" Ibiki barked as he almost seemed to storm up to her.

"A scroll-"

"Let me see it." Ibiki demanded without even letting Sakura finish her sentence, holding his hand out expectantly.

Sakura's Personal POV

I frowned when I was abruptly cut off from ever finishing my explanation of what Zabuza had given me.

I reached for the scroll that was stored in my weapon pouch and as soon as it touched my fingers I felt a presence I never felt before, a strong one, but a comforting one.

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