The Forest of Death pt 2

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Rewritten as of 25OCT19

Sakura's POV

Five minutes.

That's it.

That's all it took.

It's been five fucking minutes and things have already gone to shit in a hand basket.

Almost as soon as we started Naruto claimed he had to take a leak and had went behind the bushes to 'go'. But when he came back it was obviously not him. He was missing the scratch on his cheek and his kunai pouch was in the wrong place.

This guy was all sorts of fucked up.

So after we took care of the guy and rescued Naruto, Sasuke came up with a code word that was way too diffucult for Naruto to remember.

If his blubbering was anything to go by.

As soon as the code word was said we were all attacked by a giant gust of wind that had seperated us for no more than two minutes. After the dust had settled I found Sasuke who I reapeted the code word to to prove that it was me. Another second later Naruto had shown up and said the same thing. At first I was relieved but then...

No Sakura, don't believe it. Naruto had even said before we all got separated that he couldn't memorize the password, so how can he remember it now? It's not him, he's a copy!

I never even thought about that before.

How could I be so stupid.

"You're not Naruto, there's no way the moron could remember such a long and difficult code word." Sasuke said to which the Naruto clone released the henge, revealing the Grass ninja that the scroll had told me to stay away from at all cost.

He vibrates violently against my leg.

Listen to me Sakura, both of your teammates are in grave danger, you must do everything you can to escape! I don't know what it is, but you have to trust me!

I wasn't going to sit around and question a scroll.

"Sasuke, we have to leave, we can't take him on by ourselves! Plus we need to find Naruto, we don't know what might have happened to him in the blast!" I yelled out to Sasuke only to have him scowl at me causing me to flinch.

"Shut up Sakura, you don't know anything about being a ninja or how to even properly fight. I can tell just by looking at this guy that he's probably more of a rookie than we are. You go find Naruto by yourself, if you can handle it, but just stay out of my way, you got it!?" It had felt like a punch in the gut to hear him say those words to me. After all I still really care about him. I know I've been distracted lately with the scroll, it's a new voice in my head after all, but that didn't change the way I had felt about him. But now...

I couldn't help the way my stomach had dropped or the way my throat had gotten all tight. A little part of me loved him less now, a lot less.

Ignore him Sakura. He'll soon figure out not only what your teacher means by looking underneath the underneath, but what you mean when you say he can't do it by himself. We'll be back soon, but we really need to find Naruto right now.

I tried to push away everything I was feeling and instead went in search for Naruto. The scroll was right, as of right now I know that both Sasuke and I are alive and well, I have to find Naruto.

I took off into the trees in search of my other teammate, fighting off the tears that had clouded my vision. It didn't take long to find Nartuo, however when I did I wasn't expecting him to be wrapped around the tail of a giant snake.

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