The Written Exam Pt 2

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Rewritten as of 24OCT19

Sakura's POV

It was absolute chaos right now.

Right after Kabuto had walked up to us, he told us all about the exams and about how this was his seventh time taking the exam.

Quite a loser if you ask me.

I had to hold myself back from laughing at the spirit's words.

He told us everything he knew about the exams over the course of his experience.

He even went into how many ninja from each village would be participating this year, giving us all this information through ninja info cards.

There were 51 teams participating in this years Chunin exams.

29 from Konoha, 10 from Suna, 7 from Ame, 2 from Kusa, 2 from Taki, and 1 from Oto.

He had information on each individual Genin participant, and was more than happy to show us them when Sasuke asked for specific information on some of them.

He gave us the basics of Rock Lee and Gaara no Subaku. Both are people who Sasuke wanted to challenge at some point in these exams.

But then Kabuto started talking bad about the other villages and how crappy they all were, especially the Sound ninja, causing one of the said sound ninja to attack him.

He had jumped from the table and took a swing at him, only for Kabuto to duck, successfully dodging the intended blow.

Kabuto had fallen to his knees however shortly after, throwing up everything in his stomach a second later.

Naruto had immediately ran over to inspect our supposed fallen comrade before turning towards the sound-nin that had attacked him.

"How, he dodged!" Shikamaru asked, slightly shocked at what he just saw.

How did he do that!?

He's from Otogakure isn't he? Perhaps he used sound?

Or vibrations?

Sound waves?

Either way, no one heard it, and it definitely effected him.

The attack had caused the whole room of ninja to jump up and prepare to attack or defend if they had to, but before anyone could do anything more the door busted open and a big man walked in, I recognized him immediately as one of the ninjas who interrogated me earlier in the week about Zabuza, Morino Ibiki.

"Alright you brats, that's enough fighting." He began in his booming voice, not that he was yelling, but his voice definitely traveled, especially in this silence. "Fighting in the first exam is strictly forbidden, any rule breakers will be disqualified, is that understood?" When no one responded he took it as a 'yes' and continued his speech. "Each of you will be drawing numbers from a bucket, you will sit in the seat according to the numbers that you draw. Once everyone is seated we can begin with the rules on the exam."

The tense Genin slowly dispersed but everyone was still on edge. One by one we all walked up to the group of Chunin that had appeared in puffs of smoke shortly after Ibiki's speech.

After picking numbers, everyone that we knew well enough was separated, for the most part. Naruto managed to get a seat next to Hinata, while Ino was sitting behind me. Once the last person got their seat Ibiki cleared his throat before sweeping his eyes over the occupants of the room. His eyes met mine for a second and he stared for a while before moving on.

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