Fragments of a Blade

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You're welcome! *blows kisses*

"Scatter, Senbonzakura."

The blade of my sword burst into a thousand pieces and formed a wall in front of me just as Gaara had reached me, swiping his claw down only to be blocked and ripped to shreds before howling and jumping back.

I slowly got to my feet as Gaara and I faced each other, Sasuke and the others calling my name.

"Sakura, are you alright?" I nodded my head, as I was too busy looking at Gaara through the petals that began circling around me like a vortex.

So this is what you meant when you said that I don't have control over the petals yet. I had to earn it.


Well, I'm glad you think I'm deserving.

You have always been deserving Blossom. You just never had the confidence to realize it.

I swallowed thickly, willing myself to hold back the tears that threatened to come forth as emotions ran over me.

I wouldn't know what I would do without Senbonzakura around, the things he's done for me in the last few months are things that I would never be able to repay him for, and I couldn't have done any of it without him.

So, how exactly do I control these things?

It's quite simple really, all you have to do is think about where it is you want them to go, they can follow your eyes' movements, and for them to be even faster, use your hands to direct them where you want them to go.

Sounds simple enough.

Now then, let's keep going so we can protect those that's most important to you.


The boys came up to stand next to me, the petals moving out of their way so they wouldn't get cut.

"What are those things?" Neji asked as he looked at them with his Byakugan, trying to figure out what it is."

"It's kind of like a jutsu that I learned while I was training. They're pieces of my sword, the way it reflects against the light is what causes them to look like flower petals. So don't touch them." I said as Naruto pulled his hand back from reaching out to touch one.

"What kind of jutsu is it?" He asked only for me to shake my head.

"We can talk later, right now we have to take care of Gaara." I said before turning to look at the other two boys who nodded.

"Right, what should we do? It's like that thing keeps trying to take over his body." Sasuke said before Neji sighed.

"I don't even know what it is." Neji said as he glanced over to Gaara who was surprisingly waiting patiently.

"I do." Said Naruto as he too looked at Gaara with his face twisted into an almost painful expression.

"What? You do?" Sasuke asked him as Neji and I looked to Naruto who nodded his head.

"You guys have heard the stories right? About the people who were chosen at birth to have a tailed beast sealed inside of them and those individuals are spread among the nations?"

"Yes, but the people who are chosen are supposed to be kept a secret to avoid the villagers from treating those people differently. If the villagers were to know about it, they'll treat those people like they themselves are the demon instead of the protector that's preventing the beasts from destroying villages." I explained while Naruto nodded.

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