The Elements

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I spent hours reading books in the library for elemental jutsus. Taking notes on hand signs, the way the chakra should flow through my body, and the way the elemental chakra should feel when using certain elements.

For example...

Water chakra should feel cold, earth should feel heavy, wind should be light weight, fire should feel warm, and lightning should feel tingly.

After getting the gist of everything I put the books away and took my notebook with me to the training grounds.

I sat on the ground in the same training field I was at yesterday with Ibiki-sensei. The one with the small lake so I could use it to see if water was a better suited element for me.

I sat with my legs crossed and concentrated on my core chakra, letting it flow through my chakra coils.

I willed it outward and let it circle around my body, feeling the light airiness of wind chakra coat my body.

I could feel it ruffle my clothes and tousle my hair.

Alright Blossom, I think you have a good grasp of this, try using the hand signs you saw in the book.


I brought my hands together to form the necessary signs, slowly to ensure they were done properly, and then completed the technique.

"Kaze Fuuchuufuyuu, Wind Levitation." I said and watched as a stone that was sitting in front of me began to move and shake a little bit before it completely came off the ground, hovered about a foot in the air for about five seconds then fell.

I stared wide eyed at it for a moment before squealing in joy.

I did it Senbonzakura! I made a stone levitate!

I knew you could do it Blossom. Try it again on something different. Maybe something a little more heavier?


I got up and moved over to the more forest like area of the training grounds and performed the jutsu again, trying to use it on a log.

The log however merely rolled from side to side and lifted about an inch before falling back to the ground.

I frowned in disappointment.

Relax Blossom, not everything can go the way you want it to when you first try it out. The stone worked out so well because it doesn't weigh much. Take a deep breath, concentrate, and try using a little more chakra. Because this is heavier, you may need more chakra to lift it.

Right, that makes sense.

I took a calming breath and closed my eyes again, feeling the wind chakra swirl around my body.

I added more chakra to my hands and performed it again, this time with much better success as the log floated about a foot in the air until I released the jutsu a few moments later.


Nice work. I believe it's safe to say that wind chakra is rather easy for you to use. I'd say you used about 25 percent of your chakra with what you've used so far, it seems like a bit much but then again you don't have much to start with. But that's fine, you'll increase your reserves as time goes on. What do you say you take a few moments to restore the little bit of chakra that you used before trying another element, perhaps earth?

Sure thing! I think I'll meditate for about ten minutes before trying out Ishi Yoroi no Ude. Stone Bracers.

That's an excellent choice. It will be a great way to protect yourself. If this one works out well you should also try Sekkai Koutetsuban. Stone Breast Plate. Grasping both of these techniques will allow you to have nearly a full body of stone armor.

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