Heart to Heart

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Authors note at the end. Enjoy, love you guys!

I had no idea how much time had passed since Shisui had knocked me out in the forest outside of Konoha, all I know is that when I woke up, it was because of a certain spirit was yelling my name.

Sakura! Wake up, stop being lazy.

I groaned as I rolled over in the bed I was laying in, feeling way too comfortable to really get up.

Five more minutes mom.

First of all, how dare you. I am one hundred percent man, thank you very much. Second of all, there is something you need to know.

My eyes snapped open with a start after my senses had come back to me.


Welcome back to the world of the living.

Ugh, my head is killing me. What happened?

You were knocked out by the Uchiha, Shisui, before you were brought back to the village and got administered to the hospital, your teammates are here too.

What about Gaara? What happened to him and his siblings?

That's what I was trying to tell you, there's a few things you need to know, but I'll start with this. Suna is back on good terms with Konoha.


Yes, it turns out that the Kazekage was an imposter, the real Kazekage has been dead for some time now, being replaced by Orochimaru who was in disguise. He's the one who called all the shots, Suna was only a playing piece and have since been forgiven for not knowing that their own leader was killed and replaced by an S-class criminal from Konoha.

The Kazekage is dead? Suna is without a proper leader?

Unfortunately yes. Konoha is taking partial responsibility because it was Orochimaru. The Sand siblings are also here in the hospital. Temari received a few broken bones from the battle with Gaara, and Kankuro was completely chakra depleted. Gaara's wounds have healed and is going to be discharged later this afternoon.

I see. That means we have to do something then, right?

What do you mean?

I mean about Gaara.

What are you going to do, attack him in his room?

No! Just about the opposite really. Gaara believes that he's a complete monster because of his village. They don't see him as the only thing keeping their village safe, they see him as an abomination. But their wrong, and Gaara needs to realize this. He needs to understand that there is more to him than the demon sealed within. The first time I ever met him, when Kankuro had attacked Konohamaru, I saw the look on his face. He was tired.

Because of the dark circles around those eyes?

No, more than just physically, and from lack of sleep. I mean mentally. I can pretend to know everything of what he's gone through, but I can at least sympathize with him being an outcast. Because I was an outcast too, even without a monster sealed away inside me. I mean, besides you of course.

I'm a MAN, Sakura.

He needs to know not everyone thinks of him so negatively.

Did you just ignore me?

So I'm going to help him.

You did, didn't you?

Let's go!

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