In The Air

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Walking on air was something that has only been described as a feeling of euphoria. When someone is so happy, excited, or elated. That nothing can bring them down. And now I know why this phrase is used in such a way. Because now, here I stand, roughly ten feet in the air with nothing under my feet.

And I feel absolute euphoria.

I never imagined that actually standing in the air would feel so solid, like I was still on the ground.

I had thought it would be more like I was floating or levitating, feet dangling in the air or something or something along those lines. But no, my feet are standing on what feels like a solid surface. And when I take a step, my feet seem to almost kick up dust. Like I'm on a dirt road or something.

Okay Blossom, now that you've mastered both things I set out to teach you today, why don't we try combining both of them. Try flash stepping in the air, to another place in the sky. It can be higher or lower, or directly in front of you. But remember, you have to be able to see where you're going. As you advance with the technique, you may be able to just imagine where you want to go and get there, but the greater the distance the more energy you use, so you cant exactly travel from one country to another. But I imagine you should be able to go all the way across the village after a few moths of hard work.

Wow, Senbonzakura. I never thought I would be able to experience something like this until I met you. I've always been the girl who was never supposed to be good enough or strong enough because she was a civilian girl who was only playing ninja. After I graduated everyone expected me to quit and work a normal job. Follow in my parents footsteps. Even my parents had only let me join the academy to entertain me. They never thought I would get this far either. But now that I have gotten this far, and I'm so close to becoming a Chunin, they keep pushing me to keep going. They have been my biggest supporters. And it's all thanks to you. For choosing me. So thank you for believing me to be worthy enough to have me by your side.

You have always been worthy Sakura, you just had to believe in yourself. Because it is not you who is by my side, it is I who stands by yours. I may have seen you potential, and it may have been me who chose you, but there have been many who have been chosen but failed to keep going with it.


Yes. You are not the first one to have been chosen to wield a sword from a scroll that hails from the Village Hidden in the Mist. Many a times, our scrolls have been stolen to be used by criminals and thieves all over the world. Treasure hunters that believe us spirits are worth something, but without being chosen, they have no way to use us, and we are otherwise worthless to the rest of the world, and are then forgotten. Left to be picked up by other strangers and collect dust on a shelf, maybe never to be used at all. But some are. Like you, there are others across the Nations that do not belong to Kiri but have been chosen, some use the swords they were gifted with rather well, others do not. Perhaps one day, you will find others with the gift of the Spirit Sword.

That's incredible. Do you think I'd find any here in Konoha?

I don't think so Blossom. I would have sensed another Spirit if they were here. But perhaps as you take missions and travel the world, you will find someone.

I sure hope so. I would love to meet another person who was chosen. Someone else who was worthy.

It might not be as great as you making it out to be Blossom. Just because the sword chose their master, does not mean that their ideals are pure of heart. A spirit could be tainted, and as such, can choose a nasty master to fight along with. So if you do ever meet someone. Just be careful. We may be powerful, but that doesn't mean someone else can't be stronger against us.

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