Show Em' Who's Boss

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Enough was enough.

It was time to shut everyone up, once and for all.

No longer will I be called useless, weak, or just a civilian girl with no skill to show of.

Let's do this.

That's it Blossom.

I put one foot in front of the other and channeled my reishi to me feet.

And I fucking moved.

One second I was up in the stands being laughed at, and the next I was standing only five feet away from my opponent, looking at him while he was still looking at where I was standing only seconds ago.

I felt Genma's eyes snap down to where I was now standing, his jaw hanging loose, his senbon still miraculously in his mouth.

"Well, lets get this shit started."

Naruto's head snapped to me so quickly I was surprised he didn't snap his own neck.

"What the?"

The audience went quiet as they realized how fast I had moved.

"What in the world?"

"Did you see that?"

"No, she moved to quickly."

I barley managed to keep the grin off of my face as Genma cleared his throat before he gestured to the both of us.

"Alright then, you guys know the rules. Anything goes in this fight. You give it your all until you defeat your opponent or they admit defeat. There is absolutely no killing in these exams, got it?"

"Yes." I said, loud and clear. Naruto soon echoing my words right after me.

"Well then, once you two shake hands, you may begin." And with that, Genma jumped far away from where we were standing, but otherwise remained in the arena like he had done in the last few matches to keep an eye on the fight in case he felt the need to step in.

Naruto and I closed the distance between us and shook hands.

"Sakura." He said trying to start a conversation. "I really don't want to hurt you, please forfeit."

My fury soon returned ten fold.

"How dare you ask me to do something so stupid." I whispered, venom dripping from my voice.

Naruto looked taken aback at my words before rage took over his own features.

"Sakura, I can't hold back in this fight, you would be able to handle what I'm going to do to you."

"No one is asking you to hold back Naruto, as a matter of fact, I would be more insulted than I already am if you did." His rage filled stare remained on his face. "Now fight me the ninja are supposed to."

"You asked for it."

I clicked my tongue in annoyance.

The crowed was absolutely eating up out banter, causing them to cheer louder than they were in the last few matches.

Naruto and I jumped several feet away from each other as we both waited for one of us to make the first move.

It didn't take Naruto more than ten seconds to give in and charge at me full force, kunai in hand.

My hand immediately went to Senbonzakura. I had originally wanted to wait to use him till later in the fight, but I just couldn't help myself.

This fight was something that I can honestly say I've been waiting for.

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