The One Tailed Beast

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I had thought I'd seen my greatest fear fighting against Orochimaru in the Forest of Death. I couldn't have been more wrong.

This was a different kind of fear. A fear of the unknown.

As I was watching Sasuke and Gaara begin their match, I knew it would be intense, but this was on another level.

The two had fought for a few minutes, seeming to be on even footing in the beginning. Sasuke had learned a new jutsu, in the form of a ball of lightning centered in the palm of his hands. It reminded me of Naruto's Rasengan that he had used against me in our own match, only instead of his wind, it was Sasuke's lightning.

He had called out the jutsu's name so confidently.


He had ran towards Gaara who had encased himself into a sphere of sand that had hardened, he had called it his ultimate defense. But just like the stone braces that I had used, it was weak when powered against something strong.

Sasuke had pierced through Gaara's ultimate defense, and when Sasuke had pulled his arm free, there was another arm clinging on to his own. Only instead of a normal human arm, it was the arm of a beast.

Merely seconds later I saw several feathers begin to fall from the sky.

I was confused at first, but I soon began to feel drowsy as the feathers began to lull me into a slumber. It was only thanks to my natural ability to sense genjutsu along with Senbonzakura telling me to snap out of it that I was able to release the genjutsu around me.

Shortly after I had realized that the fighting arena was in utter chaos.

All the people who were once watching were now passed out. Several Shinobi were scattered about fighting off enemies that had suddenly attacked the village.

The first thing I had noticed was that the Shinobi we were fighting against were wearing Suna and Oto headbands. I felt my body begin to tense as I had realized what was going on.

"We're being attacked." I said to myself, only to feel a shiver go down my body as I felt a presence appear behind me.

"Well done girl, you were able to break free from the genjutsu, but it's too bad you're going to die here."

I snapped my head around and came face to face with a ninja from Sound. He had a kunai in hand and got ready to charge when all of a sudden he was attacked from behind. A quick strike to the back of his head knocked him out.

I watched as his eyes rolled to the back of his head before falling straight back.

The person who was behind him who had struck him took a step to the side and let the mans body hit the ground with a thud.

I felt relief flood my system as I came face to face with Ibiki-sensei.

"Hey kid, glad to see you're still in one piece." He said with a grin that I couldn't help returning. "I'd love to stand here and congratulate you on your win, but I'm afraid that's going to have to wait. We've got trouble here."

I rapidly nodded my head.

"What can I do to help?" I asked, eager to be of some use.

"I need you to wake up that Nara kid and the Hyuga brat. If you can find Uzumaki, take him too. I know you two aren't on the best of terms, but I need you to have as many people as you can get. Once you've got everybody, I want you guys to chase after Sasuke. He went after Gaara and his siblings who came down and took him away through the hole in that was caused by an explosion. Do what you can to help Sasuke out. We need these guys away from the village, we can't have the innocent bystanders getting hurt in the crossfire." I nodded my head and told him I understood.

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