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A/N: Please keep in mind that with the way this story is going and with Sakura not loosing in the prelims, the finals will be different. Many people have been commenting about who Sakura should fight on both Wattpad and FanFiction.Net. Based on your comments and my own personal opinion based on how this story is going, this is what I came up with. Many fights are the same, just in different orders. Anyway I hope you all like this chapter!

P.S. I'm also done rewriting everything.


Sakura's POV

"Lee!" I found myself yelling as I watched Gaara close his sand around Lee's legs, crushing them in an instant and ultimately ending his ninja career.

The fight started off very well. Lee's speed was unimaginable. Nearly breaking through Gaara's ultimate defense, his sand that moves faster than the eye can see, leaving him unscathed.

Seeing this, Lee took of his two leg weights and became even faster, which I didn't think that kind of speed was possible for a Genin.

Finally, Lee breaks through Gaara's sand defenses and managed to land a hit. Then another.

Hit after hit he sends Gaara up into the air and uses his bandages to wrap around Gaara's body, bringing it close to his.

Lee then spirals them both back down to earth with a boom.

All of a sudden Gaara disappears into a pile of sand and reappears on the arena, again unscathed.

That's when all hell broke loose.

Gaara manipulated his sand to give chase to the little green devil, once it captured him the sand wrapped around Lee's legs, crushing them, bringing us back to now.

It took all the sensei's, the proctor, and the familiar ANBU Black Crow to stop Gaara from completely killing Lee.

Gaara was soon announced the winner and I watched on with a heavy heart as Lee was taken away by medical ninja, Gai-sensei following behind like a mother hen.

This is exactly how it happened with Hinata, it's like a replay but with different people.

How horrible!

Yes it is, these exams are far more fierce than what I had previously anticipated.

You and me both.

"Alright everyone, settle down. We have one more match till we are done with the preliminary rounds. Will Akimichi Chouji and Dosu please step into the arena."

Chouji reluctantly jumped to the arena with an over confident Dosu right behind him.

I almost couldn't watch this match either, it was no where near as bad as Hinata and Neji's, and definitely not as gruesome as Gaara and Lee's match, but still. Chouji stood no chance against Dosu.

Chouji didn't really seem to care all that much and in the end was easily taken down by Dosu's sound jutsu.

"Alright everyone, listen up. *cough* This concludes the second part of your second exam. The Hokage will now say a few words to explain the third and final part of the Chunin exams." Hayate said, coughing a bit more as he gave the stage to the Hokage.

Namikaze Minato stood up from his seated position in the Hokage's box and cleared his throat.

"Congratulations to each and everyone of you that made it. The third part of the exam will be held in exactly one month from now. You've seen everybody's skills and have seen their fighting styles. Use this month to prepare yourselves to go against your opponent. Just like in these preliminary rounds, you will have a one on one battle. Each of you will draw a number to see who your fighting against and when your match will be. So everyone, please take a piece of paper from the box."

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