Sakura vs Ino

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Rewritten as of 09NOV19

Sakura's POV


I took another deep breath as I looked Ino over.

I took notice of her toned muscles and felt my eyebrow twitch.


Just how the hell could she spend so much time on her looks yet still manage to find the time to train. I'm sure she's gotten stronger over these last few months too.


So have I.

"Alright ladies, *cough* your match is about to begin. The same rules apply just like the previous matches. One of you wins when the other is knocked out or admits defeat. However I can stop the fight at anytime I deem necessary. Most importantly, there is no killing in these matches." Hayate explained as he motioned for the both of us to step closer to each other.

"Yamanaka, Haruno, shake hands so we can begin the match."

I extended my hand and waited for Ino to do same. However it didn't look like she was going to move her hand at all, as a matter of fact, it looks like she's about to walk away.

How rude.

I couldn't help but agree.

I could hear Naruto and Lee yelling from the stands about how Ino was being disrespectful.

"Are you forfeiting Yamanaka?" Hayate's voice broke over the shouts of Naruto and Lee who both quieted down at his question.

Ino turned back around so fast I was sure she should have snapped her neck.

"Are you crazy! Of course not! Why would I forfeit to this loser?" Ino yelled.

"Because you're walking away." He deadpanned.

"I was just going back to where I was standing before." She explained with a hand on her hip, clearly irritated.

"I think you might have misunderstood me Yamanaka. I said 'shake hands so we can get your match started.' That means, shake hands. If you just start walking away, you're admitting defeat."

Ino looked like a cat that just got thrown in body of water, completely pissed off.

"I bet you thought you looked so cool doing that huh Ino? Well guess what? YOU DIDN'T!" Naruto yelled from the stands as I tried hard not to smile.

She nearly growled as she stomped up to me and grabbed my hand that was still extended. Grasping it firmly and squeezing hard, trying to intimidate me.

My face remained calm and collected and I squeezed just as hard.

I felt satisfaction as I watched her eyes widen a fraction.

We both let go at the same time and pivoted, taking about ten steps away before we once again faced each other.

"Alright, now that that's been settled. *cough* You may begin."

I waited for Ino to make the first move, which didn't take long considering she's been pissed off at me for a rather long time.

She charged at me with her kunai in hand. I quickly pulled mine out as well, not wanting to use Senbonzakura so early in the fight.

I know she saw me use it in the Forest of Death, so it's not exactly a trump card against her, but I'd still like to wait a while.

I blocked every swipe she threw at me, further angering her.

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