The Chunin Exams

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Updated as of 23OCT19

Sakura's POV

After having woken up, the first thing I did was grab the scroll. I looked at it all over again, feeling a slight disappointment as it was till sealed all the way around.

Still a bit confused as to why he said I was in there too long, I decided to set it back on the table so I could get ready for the day. Take a shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, then head down to the training grounds for the usual team training, maybe a D-rank mission if we're lucky.

I made sure to stuff the scroll into my pouch as well before taking off to the training fields.

As I casually walk through the village I think back to what I saw last night. Wondering if it was all just a dream or if it was really something the spirit in the scroll conjured up in my own mind.

I let out a sigh as I got to the training grounds. To my surprise Kakashi, Naruto, and Sasuke were already there.

Is Kakashi-sensei early?

"Sakura-chan... you're... late." Naruto said softly with surprise in his voice, Kakashi and Sasuke looking at me with various faces of surprise as well.

"What? What time is it?" I asked, feeling shock go through my body.

There's no way I was even later than Kakashi-sensei.

"It's almost noon." Kakashi stated while looking at his imaginary watch. "I arrived here an hour ago myself."

I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. Did me being in that dream like state go on for longer than I thought? Was I in there that long that I woke up late?

"Sorry guys, I guess I was so tired after coming back from our mission yesterday that I slept through my alarm clock." I said, trying to come up with an excuse rather that telling them all I was talking to a Samurai in my dreams.

Cause that would bode over well.

Kakashi-sensei gave me a crinkled eye smile in understanding of something he probably didn't really understand.

"No worries Sakura, we actually aren't going to do much today after what we have recently been through. So today, all we're going to do is-" the cry of a hawk caught Kakashi's attention. It was brown with two white circles on the underside of its wings, it flew above his head in a few circles before flying elsewhere causing him to heave out a tired sigh.

"Already?" He murmured to himself. "Sorry team change of plans, looks like we're taking the entire day off today. Let's push this little team event to tomorrow... maybe. You're free to do whatever you want for the rest of the day. Just don't do anything that would get me in trouble." With those parting words Kakashi-sensei left us in a whirl of leaves.

Well that was odd, I've never seen him get summoned like that before, it must be important.

The was a few moments of silence till Naruto and Sasuke both rounded in on me, making me stagger back a few steps, eyes wide in astonishment at them being so close all of the sudden.

"Are you really okay Sakura-chan?" Naruto asked with a worried look on his face. Sasuke didn't look worried or concerned, he looked more curious than anything.

"Yeah guys I'm fine, I promise." Sasuke seemed okay with my response and merely nodded before walking away, his figure was almost completely gone before I turned to look at Naruto. "I'll see you la-"

"Wait! Do you wanna get ramen?" Naruto cut me off with a smile.

I contemplated whether or not I should before giving a small nod, a small smile in place. "Sure Naruto." I said as the two of us began our small trek to Ichiraku.

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