Keep It

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Rewritten as of 09NOV19

Sakura's POV

I have been sitting in this secluded room for only two minutes and I'm already sweating as if I just ran a marathon.

The two ANBU in the back corner weren't helping my anxieties either.

One had wolf design on their mask in red paint, the other a crow in black.

Now, just why exactly two of Konoha's most famous and strongest ANBU were wasting their time by being here with me was beyond me, but it didn't make me feel any better about my current predicament.

My attention snapped back to Konoha's most fearsome interrogator.

"At what point in your last interrogation did you lie?" I flinched at the harshness of Ibiki's question.

"I didn't!" I said, slightly raising my voice as I leaned forward in my chair. Even if had lied, I'm not very good at it, they would have caught me red handed.

"You opened the sword scroll Zabuza gave you, did you not?" He asked as he crossed his arms.

"W-well yes but-" I started but got cut off.

"I thought the scroll couldn't be opened unless you had the key?"

"T-that's true, yes. Howev-" I began only to be cut off yet again.

"So you had the key this whole time?"

I paused for a few seconds, waiting to see if he would fire another question before I could answer. Then...

"Yes." Because technically, I was the key.

"Where is it?" He snapped.

"It's not that kind of key." I muttered quietly.

Ibiki raised an eyebrow before he gestured to the two ANBU.

They both hesitated for a split second before they were both on me.

A small scream escaped my lips in surprise as one of them took my sword and the other took my pouches.

Senbonzakura! No!

Panic began filling my system again when no response came from him.

But it quickly turned to surprise when Senbonzakura retracted back into his scroll form in the hands of the ANBU.

I didn't know you could do that.

Again no response. I frowned as I stared at the scroll.

"It took me days to get him out of there." I said quietly, but with the amount of skilled ninja in the room I knew they all heard me.

"What happened? What did you do?" Ibiki demanded as he took a threatening step closer.

I took a deep breath before letting it all out.

"Zabuza gave me that scroll right before he died. He was dying right in front of me when he pushed it in to my hand. He said; 'The sword chooses it's master, it chooses you. The key isn't needed if it chooses you.' And that was it." I explained briefly.

"And the sword chose you?"

I nodded.

"And because of that no one else can wield it?"

"Not unless he wants you to."

"He? You're referring to the sword I assume?" I nodded

"Senbonzakura, his name is Senbonzakura. That's what he told me." Ibiki stared at me for a moment before a very intelligent and sophisticated "What?" Came from his lips.

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