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Sakura's POV

Walking on water was a slightly different experience compared to the tree climbing exercise.

While walking up a tree I could send chakra to my feet and either slip off from too little chakra, or get thrown back from too much chakra. The amount of chakra would change with how thick the tree was, but that was easily adjustable.

With water however, one needed to shift their chakra almost constantly due to the way the water was flowing, or how deep the water was beneath my feet.

Too little chakra and I'd fall right in. Too much however and the water under my feet would ripple violently, and failure to adjust my chakra quickly enough to readjust myself caused me to fall in.

Getting used to changing the flow was what proved to be the most difficult.

One second I would be fine, and the next I'd end up soaked.

Once I was confident enough to walk in shallow waters I took the chance to try deeper waters.

In shallow water I'd only end up getting my feet and calves wet when I fell. But in the deeper end, my whole body would end up submerged.

I spent hours training, but I am glad to say that I can now successfully walk all over the lake I was practicing on. I was even able to stand on one of the flowing rivers at a different training ground with much success.

At the end of the day I was sore, soaked to the bone, out of breath, and completely chakra depleted. But despite all that, I had a smile on my face, truly giddy at having completed the walking on water exercise.

But my happiness was short lived.

"Leaving!?Already!?" I found myself shouting at my new sensei after having finally caught my breath.

"Sorry kid, choosing to be your sensei was something I had decided just today. My mission however was assigned to me last week." Ibiki-sensei said, completely unapologetic.

"When are you leaving? How long?"

Ibiki-sensei shrugged.

"I leave first thing tomorrow morning. When I come back though depends on how fast I get my job done. Hopefully not too long though, I still have to teach you how to beat up the Hokage's brat." He said, finishing his sentence with a smirk that I couldn't help retuning with a cheeky smile.

It fell however when I realized...

"Well, what am I going to do until then?"

"Don't worry kid, I'll leave you with a parting gift before I leave." He reassured me.

After my body recovered well enough that I could start walking again, Ibiki-sensei made sure I got home without collapsing.

After he left I dragged my tired body to the shower and ate dinner with my parents.

We talked a bit while we ate, mostly about what I had planned on doing for the finals.

Thankfully they didn't exactly question who was teaching me, probably assuming it was Kakashi-sensei.

I chose not to tell them the head interrogator of Konoha was my new sensei.

Who knows how they would have reacted if they had found out the truth.

I allowed myself to wonder about my teammates and how they were doing, but not without getting a nasty feeling through my body.

Once they were out of my head I decided to lay down on my stomach in my bed. A small notebook and a pen in hand, I decided to plan out next next week of training.

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