{1} Gone

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"The worst kind of pain is when you're smile just to stop the tears from falling."

SHE had changed.

The spark in her eye had disappeared and replaced with a cold stare like ice. After she left 3 years ago, people didn't expect her to come back but she always did. No matter what happened, it was something she had committed herself to do. Why? No one knew why besides her.

She had changed her appearance from light and bouncy to sexy and mysterious, a complete contrast to the girl she used to be. Her red fiery hair had been dyed to a chocolate brown colour, complimenting her hazel eyes, a mix of green and brown. On her right wrist, she had a small tattoo in Chinese saying warrior and a bird in the corner of it.

On her left collarbone she had birds flying upwards. Her eyes held a cold blank stare but behind the stare was sadness and anger however she never allowed anyone to see her emotions, she never will again.

She wasn't chubby anymore, she didn't have her baby fat, in fact she was slim with long toned legs and a slender shoulder, everything about her was real and people would say she looked like a model. Her Hispanic body, curvy and voluptuous, catching eyes of the guys around her like she was a shooting star.

Oh, She's was stunning, almost unreal. Besides being so good looking, she was also half American and half Spanish but no one took interest into her multicultural background, not when they saw her. Boys when they see her just want to have one night with her, girls hate her immediately because they get threatened by the thought of her taking away their boys.

No one wanted to know her and she was okay with that, she didn't mind it, no matter how much it hurt. No one ever did, they would assume the worst and allow their rumours to spiral out of control. Cause that's what rumours did. They get out of control until it falls back to you but your life is already over. And she would agree.

They never expected her to come back home, not after what happened or what they thought had happened but she was done running, running from her problems and her hurt. She was ready to face a new fear, the fear of isolation and embarrassment. She was ready for the difficulties but she couldn't deal with the heartbreak, she couldn't face him just yet.

Her biggest change was her personality. It was like someone turned the switch off inside her and she was glimmering darkness instead of light. There was no joy playing in her eyes or her lips, just a cold, emotionless stare that made people tremble. She wasn't afraid to insult people, her kind heart was locked away in their cages, not bothering to find a way out because they were the cause of her problems. No words could affect her since her emotions had disappeared like she was a piece of white blank paper, unwritable. She was like a shell, she didn't laugh nor smile, only smirk at the sight of others in distress. She wasn't a monster, she wasn't, but she couldn't help herself but feel no remorse or sympathy for what she was about to do. Karma liked to play a cruel game and she liked to call herself Karma because what she was about to do would end in tears.

"Shit." She cursed as she tripped over one of her boxes, her belongings tumbling out of it.

"Careful, take theses one." Her foster dad passes her another two heavy boxes for her to take to her room.

She walked cautiously up the stairs and towards her room. The room was big, a curved window with an area to sit, a desk besides her closet and the bathroom door adjoined to her bedroom, opposite her bed. She remembered the memories in this room but she remembered all the tears and somehow it made her feel less happy to be home. Nevertheless, this house was more like a home to her than her Mom's and Cassie didn't mind that one bit.

"Cassandra, come down quickly."

She dropped the boxes beside the bed, looked around the room and took in her room. With a reluctant sigh, she stalked back downstairs to get the rest of her boxes. Tomorrow she would have to head back to school and finish off her senior year, a year filled with surprises. She didn't want to go back but much to her disappointment, her foster dad refused to let her run away from the problems and deep down she knew he was right.

But she was broken under the cold facial expression and no one would know because she kept to herself so tightly. They didn't expect her to be mean, her kindness disappearing every minute she was here. The light in her had vanished into thin air like smoke, following the wind and disappearing from eyesight. Oh, she was beautiful, so beautiful, but she was mean and bitter; cynical about love and friendship. She had no trust in anyone, trust no longer meant anything but a word to her and that is what scared her foster dad.

Cassie restricted herself from feeling anything and everything. She stopped herself from caring and helping. She stopped herself to do everything but stay away from here. She simply couldn't, it would hurt her too much and the pain wasn't even inflicted on her but at the same time it was. When she drove back into town and parked in front of her home, the neighbours watched her with wide eyes because everyone knows what happened, the whole town did. But she didn't care, she didn't.

The girl they once knew had gone and she had no intention of coming back.

This is a story that I will be writing soon. It's the 2nd book in the series A Good Girls tale.

You'll hear or see some characters from the other two books in the series; Queen Bitch and The Bad Boy and Love from Valentina

You don't need to read the other two books to understand this book but if you want to understand the people in it then I recommend that you read the other two.

I hope you like this book.


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