{26} Arms

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"You put your arms around me,
And I'm home."
-Arms, Christina Perri

HER beauty shone the brightest in the room.

The moment she stepped foot into the sports hall, everyone turned and looked at her. Celia was with Miles, her date for the night, clinging onto his arm when she noticed everyone focusing on the new arrivals. She turned her focus to the entrance and gritted her teeth when she saw Cassie's arm hooked through a Scott, the pair looking like something out of a fairytale. Boys gaze hungrily at her with lust, girls scoffed in jealousy and Scott just smirked with pride.

Cassie noticed this and grumbled under her breath. "Don't get too cocky."

He glanced at her and winked, causing her to look away as she fought back a blush. Their friends were sitting on a table near the front, close to the stage and were all talking and laughing as the two made their way over to them. Avery smirked when he noticed Scott's possessive hold of Cassie yet her said nothing as Ava snuggled closer to him, a warm smile replacing that smirk.

"You look so pretty!" Ava gushed and Isla nodded her head in argument as Lewis kissed the side of her head.

"You look beautiful too," Cassie replied, taking a seat next Isla while Scott sat besides her. "When did you guys arrive?"

Ava glanced at Avery and he looked at his glittering watch. "Around half an hour ago. We would've been earlier but Ava-"

Ava interrupted exasperatedly. "I was hungry."

He sent her a glare but carried on with what he was saying. "-She made us get McDonald's."

Cassie snickered while Ava crossed her arms over her chest like a little girl. Instead of apologising, Avery pulled her into his arms and smirked at the purple haired girl  Cassie couldn't help but feel happy for Ava when she watched a bright smile cross her face. It reminded her about the times when she was with-

"Cassie?" Scott asked, breaking her out of her thoughts. She blinked before looking over at him and stunning him with a smile. He took a moment to compose himself before carrying on with what he was about to ask. "Want to dance?"

"Sure, Scotty."

If it was any other person that called him that, they'd be six foot under but whenever Cassie called him that, he noticed the mischief that sparkled in her eyes, almost challenging him and for some reason he loved it.

The disco ball glistened above them as they made their way to the middle of the sports hall. His arms wrapped around her waist and her arms hooked around his neck, their bodies so close to each other that only a thin layer of clothing separated them.

"You look absolutely breathtaking." Scott murmured closely to her ear, causing her to shudder in delight.

He smirked and kissed underneath her jawline, those beautifully hazel eyes fluttering shut at his rough yet gentle touch. Cassie sighed, melting into his hold, her body becoming like putty and her sense becoming blurred that all she could feel and smell was him.

The gentle melody played as their bodies swayed from side to side, his fingers grazing down the side of her body, anticipation radiating off her.

She needed him. And he needed her.

Cassie looked up and at the same time so did Scott. Their eyes met and like fireworks, everything exploded into bright shimmering lights. He smirked like the bad boy he was as he noticed the daze looked that crossed her eyes when he cupped her cheeks.

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