{7} Beast

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"Nobody cares unless you're beautiful or dead."

SHE was waiting for him in the school car park on last day of her second week back.

Her back rested against the bonnet, her hair flying around as the wind blew against it. The view of her looked very sensual as boys passed her, winking at her when she sent them a flirty smile. Scott didn't like that. He hated it in fact. His lips curved into disgust and almost stormed down to her, wanting to hurt the boys around her so much but he didn't because he didn't want her to see his feelings.

Not that he had any, he scoffed in his head.

Cassie smirked when, from the corner of her eye, she saw Scott's expression. He wasn't good at hiding his expression around her however sometimes he's unreadable. His posture stiffed and straightened as he walked over, more like stalked, and gave her that winning smirk of his.

"Hey Cass," He said, standing in front of her, trapping her between his arms.

"Hey Scott." She replied, giving him a similar smirk.

"How's class?"

Stupid, stupid question, he mentally smacked his forehead. Cassie's smirk grew wider, amused at the conversation he was trying to start. Instead of reply, she crossed her arms over her chest.

"What's up?"

"Nothing." He looked around, glaring at any boys that looked Cassie's way. He growled. "I wish everyone would stop staring at you like a meal!"

His voice thundered across the car park, everyone immediately looking away from Cassandra. She raised her eyebrows in amusement and rolled her eyes. Scott glared at everyone, still looking tense, so Cassie stepped forward, tip-toed to his height and hugged him. Yes, hugged. She wrapped her arms across his neck, instantly feeling his arms around her waist. Scott relaxed into her embrace, resting his head on her shoulder.

"Thank you for being a good friend but I'm okay." She whispered into his ear.

Scott once again tensed up, not in possessiveness but in pain. A friend that's all he's good to be to her, nothing and no more than a friend. He nodded, stiffly, before pulling away from her embrace and walking to his car. Cassie didn't question his movements, only watched him drive away, leaving her in the car park with piranha like students filling the air with new profound gossip.

She was in her room on a Saturday morning, still in bed as she scrolled through her Instagram feed when a message popped up from Scott. It has been a whole day since she last heard from him and that was when they were in the carpark.

I'm sorry

She blinked, wondering if he actually said that but before her mind could process what she was doing, her fingers sent a message.

You have nothing to apologise about.

She gazed at her phone, mind boggled when a ting was heard and a reply come in.

I left you in the car park. I have every right to say sorry about. How 'bout some ice-cream?

And that was it. She was a goner, swooning at the fact that he knew ice-cream made her happy again.

You're on. Pick me up in half and hour.

No need, I already left.

Cassie jumped out of her bed and quickly changed from her crinkled nightie and into a denim high waisted shorts and off shoulder black crop top  then she slipped on a pair of boots to finish up the look.

Bad IntentionsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang