{33} New Feelings

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"She wanted the world,
and in her eyes,
that was you."

On Christmas day, Cassie woke up to bright light shining into her face through the frosty wall length window.

They arrived in New York Sunday evening, her whole family greeting them at the airport when their plane landed. Her younger cousins rambled on about how she was lucky to take business class and her older cousins complimenting her on how she looks. Her grandparents pulled her into a tight embrace and her aunts and uncles greeted her happily with a smile and hug.

She loved them to bits. They made her feel like she was actually their relative. For the first few years, Cassie felt out of place every holiday but one night her Grandmother, Maria, told her that even though she wasn't their blood, she was their family no matter what. Blood didn't make family, love did. Those words hit her hard so soon she began to try and get to know her family and by her 16th, she had forgotten the ones who forgot about her.

After arriving in New York, her foster dad and herself headed to their penthouse on one of the hotels George owned. There was five huge rooms but hers and the room opposite had wall length windows covering two walls fully, giving the view of New York City. She had a closet and an ensuit, her room was black and white theme, simple and minimalistic.

She yawned, stretching her legs and arms before sitting up and running her fingers through her dark brown locks. It was 12 o'clock when she woke up and she assumed George was at his office in New York just to check up on how everyone is doing before giving them the rest of the day off.

Before she got out of bed, she picked up her phone and read her notifications. She got five messages from Scott. Two from Ava. One from Isla and fifteen from the group chat that had all her friends in.

Firstly, she read Isla's one which was a simple:

'Merry Christmas, love you.'

Sending a reply back before Cassie checked Ava's message.

'Avery keeps wanting me to wear that lingerie you gave him. Thanks a fucking lot.'

'Merry Christmas, Cassandra. I love you lots.
P.S. still hate you for giving Avery that gift.'

Cassie smirked to herself before skimming through the group chat which consisted messages of Avery and Lewis squabbling about their Christmas gift. Finally, she read Scott's messages as she got out of bed, slipping a silk gown over her body since she was just wear really short, shorts and a grey bra.

'Hi baby, hope you had a safe journey.'

'I really love the gift you give me, even thought you're not here, it feels as if you are.'

'Message me when you get to your penthouse. Missing you so much.'

'Okay, you're probably asleep so call me in the morning.'

'Merry Christmas, princess. I'll see you soon. Have a good day. Just landed in Florida, call me when you wake up.'

Cassie laughed under her breath, swooning over Scott's cute texts. Before calling Scott, she quickly freshened herself up and pulled a jersey over her body, replacing the gown. The phone rang twice before Scott picked up.

"Good morning, baby." He answer huskily as if he just woke up.

"Did you just wake up?" Cassie asked in disbelief.

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