{20} Him

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^Picture of Scott Miller^
She's worth whatever
chaos she brings to the table,
and you know it.
-Mark Anthony

S C O T T ' S  • P O V

"HOLY fuck." Avery breathed out when I finished telling them what had happened.

It was the weekend and the boys and I decided to just chill and hang out at Lewis'. The sun was high in the blue sky, clear from clouds and beaming down heat from its radiating sunlight.

"Are you serious?" Lewis asked, slightly amused as he leaned back against his sofa in his playboy like mansion.

I nodded sheepishly, scratching the back of my head. "Yeah. That's the whole story."

Avery and Lewis shared a look between each which made me nervous before bursting out laughing. Like literally. Lewis was laughing so much he was clutching onto his stomach in pain and Avery had fallen of the couch. I scowled and glared at my friends, flipping them the bird.

"She said no?" Avery snickered as he regained himself, breathing deeply to prevent himself from laughing again. Lewis on the other hand was still laughing like a mad man.

"Yes." I snapped, feeling my ego deflate at the memory.

Lewis chuckled and smirked at me. "Cassie is definitely a keeper."

My scowl deepened further. "You don't think I know that."

"You just need to win her over. The girl has gone through a lot and it's not a surprise she hasn't jumped into your arms." Avery stated.

"I don't know. I hoped it was more easier."

Lewis patted my back and gave me an assuring smile. "Don't worry, Scott. I know she likes you. A lot. She has that look in her eyes when she looks at you. Give her time."

I groaned and stood up. "I'm impatient. I want-"

Avery snickered. "-To get her in your bed."

I threw a pillow at him and he cried out. Lewis chortled and smirked at the two of us.

"Where are the girls right now?"

I ran my fingers through my hair. "I think Ava said something about the mall."

Avery suddenly shot up from his seat with a creepy grin on his face. Lewis and I both gave him a weird look like he was crazy. Which he was.

"I got an idea!" He grinned. "Ask her to be your date to homecoming."

Lewis nodded slowly and raised his eyes at me. "That could work."

I furrowed my eyes as I dwelled over the idea. "I guess...."

"Fantastic." Avery said, cutting me off. He rubbed his hands together and smirked at us, making me and Lewis send each other worrying looks. "Boys, it's time to go shopping."

"Are you fucking serious?!" I growled. Lewis and Avery snickered when I came out the changing room. In a fucking pink suit.

I glared at Lewis. "You're a prick."

He smirked and snorted. "I know."

Avery chuckled and passed me a nice black and silver tie suit. "Try this on."

Just as I was about to go change, Lewis stopped us and snatched the silver tie out from my hand and passed me a light blush pink tie instead. I raised my eyes at him and he shrugged. "Isla told me Cassie's dress was blush."

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