{24} Pale

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^Picture of Avery Richard^
"So heartless, yet so full of feelings."

"STOP it," Cassie said as Scott kissed her lips, her jaw, the area where her shoulder and neck meets. Her fingers were tangled through his hair so when he did kiss her, she tugged on his locks, earring delicious groan from him.

"Scott," She whined and Scott pulled away from her with a smirk.

"Yes, baby?" He teased.

She rolled her eyes and pushed him away from her. "You're making a scene."

It was lunch time on a Monday afternoon, everyone busy and working so hard as Homecoming was this Thursday and so was the game. Avery had to leave every lunch and stay behind after school to get extra training so the big game so Ava would usually spend her time with him. Isla and Lewis were hidden from the public's eyes to do whatever they want as they didn't usually come in during lunch time. While Scott and Cassie did the hell they wanted, they like to sit outside near the field where Avery was.

It shocked Cassie that she's known Scott for nearly two months now as it is now Mid-October and the orange and red leaves are falling, the days becoming shorter. She didn't understand how in little time, you were able to gain a least some type of emotion. It frightened her to say the least and she tried to ignore it but every time she did, it got worse or Scott did something unintentionally to remind her.

His arm laid loosely around Cassandra's shoulders as he captured her lips by surprise, a squeal escaping her but she gave in, turning her body so that he could hold her properly and she could get better access to him. When they kissed, it set Cassie off like a firework, exploding erratically. Her body would curl in pleasure and happiness, her fingers and toes would spark with delight and her mind would be blank of everything but him.

Scott loved feeling her lips on his, her body close to his, her under his control. She was limp against him and it made him smirk when she pushed herself so close to him, from afar it would've looked like they were one. He didn't deny any feelings for this girl but he watched her deny her owns.


A timid, quite voice said, grabbing Cassandra's attention. She pulled away from Scott and looked at the tiny blonde. Ida shifted on her feet uncomfortably under Cassie's gaze, clutching her books to her chest.


"I've been meaning to tell you something." Ida said softly.

Cassie was about to reply but then Ava rushed over with a grinning face. "Cassie, you need to come see this."

Before she could argue, Ava grabbed onto her arm and pulled away from Scott's clutches and Ida's unknowing question. She gave a sorry look to Ida before running with Ava to see whatever the purple haired wanted her to see.

AT the end of the day, Cassie and her friends were gathered around their cars, discussing Homecoming this Wednesday. Scott was leaning against his car and Cassie was leaning back him with a glass Coca Cola bottle in her hand, his arms wrapped her waist and their legs tangled with each other. Ava was sitting on the boot of Avery's car with him standing beside her while Isla was sitting inside the car, the car door opened and Lewis leaned against it.

"So how are you guys getting to Homecoming?" Ava asked, running her fingers through Avery's hair. "Avery, you're picking me up after the game?"

He nodded. "After the game, I'll go home to get ready and then come to pick you up around 8."

"I'm being a gentleman and pick up my lovely beauty." Scott teased, kissing the side of Cassie's face. She squealed and pouted angrily at him, causing Scott to snicker and smirk at her.

Isla snorted. "Take it for granted, Cass. He's never a gentleman."

Everyone laughed as Scott scowled at his friends, internally smiling when Cassie giggled like an innocent angel. He playful glared at her and began to tickle her side, small shouts and cries of protest escaping her lips as she tired to free herself from his clutches. Their friends watched the two with a small smile, giving a knowing look to each other.

"Scott!" She cried out with a wide grin, causing everyone to laugh in surprise but not say anything for they did not want to see her stop smiling. "You're going to make me drop the bottle!"

He laughed deliciously and stopped his torture. Scott kissed the side of her head and she melted into his arms like ice cream, a dreamy smile on her face.

"You're an idiot." She insulted and Scott rolled his eyes.

"Your idiot, remember?"

This time Cassie rolled her eyes with a snort. "Only you'd remember that-"


Again Cassie was interrupted by a certain blonde with glasses. All of the seniors looked up at the young freshman, noticing the way she again shifted nervously on her feet under their intimidating gaze.

"Oh, look it's little I." Isla snickered. Ava snorted unattractively as Cassie sent them both a sharp glare. Not waiting to prolong the blonde's stay, Cassie looked over to her.

"You wanted to tell me something at lunch, what was it?"

Ida was shocked by the silkiness and soft tone of Cassie's voice. She stuttered hesitantly for a moment, watching how the boys all passed snickers to each other as the girl anxiously stood in front of the gang.

"Erm, I-I had t-to tell y-you that-that-"

"-Spit it out for fuck sake, girl." Isla snapped, her patience wearing thin. Ida flinched back at Isla shape tone, wanting to run away and curl up in a ball but she couldn't because she's was under the gaze of all these people. She glanced at Cassie in hope that she would do something but Cassie held an uninterested look her face, getting slightly bored so Scott whispered something quietly in her ears to get some sort of reaction but alas there was nothing.

"What is it, Ida?" Avery asked in a softer tone, causing Ida to relax only a little bit.

"I-I had to tell you b-because I d-didn't want you t-to be shocked wh-when you f-found out." Ida said, hesitantly. She clutched onto her bag as it was the only source of comfort.

Cassie became curious and furrowed her eyes,her hold on Cola bottle becoming tighter. "What am I about to find out?"



Her name was shouted across the parking lot, colour drained out of her face as everyone looked over at the source of the voice. Avery's and Lewis shared a unreadable look between each other, Ava looked absolutely shocked as if someone had risen from the grave and Isla looked worried for the first time in her life. Scott had a confused look on his face but once noticing Cassie's pale face, things became a bit clearer.

Cassie had the biggest reaction, her usually beautifully coloured skin became very pale looking, all colour and shine in her eyes disappeared, she stumbled slightly in Scott's arms and her shoulders sagged from the amount of pain that hit her when his pale blue eyes met hers.

There was complete silence and all you could hear was a glass bottle that shattered on the concrete floor.

Guess who's back?

Vote and comment my lovelies, it makes me very happy.


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