{31} Thankings

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"It's so strange that Autumn is so beautiful; yet everything is dying."

The days passed like a breeze in the cold wintry air as the dark sky spread across the city, the sun hidden from view. Autumn came and went just like that. To Cassandra, time went by quickly whenever she was with Scott, he brought light into her life as she did with his. Their relationship blossomed and bloomed even as the winter air settled around them, their flowers not wiltering for a second. Thanksgiving was one of the events that was a blue, Cassie could briefly remember it.

It was a cold Thursday in late November when Cassie's foster father announced to her over the phone that he wouldn't be able to make it back for Thanksgiving due to the storm in New York and his plane cancelation. So Cassie thought she was going to stay in and watch films as she ate pumpkin pie that the maids would make for her.

Instead, all her friends surprised her at her doorstep, holding turkey, alcohol, pies and much more at 12 in the afternoon. Her facial expression made them all laugh when her jaw dropped in shock and her eyes widened.

"What is this?" She demanded.

Scott, who was wrapped up in a leather jacket unlike the rest of their friends who either wore thick trench coats or overcoats, stepped forward towards his girlfriend with a cocky grin.

"We didn't want you to be alone for Thanksgiving. I heard about George, he called me a couple hours ago. So I called these lot and asked if they would bring Thanksgiving to you."

Her heart swelled up and she tried so hard to fight it but she couldn't and smiled smally.

"Come in, idiots."

They all cheered as they entered her mansion, taking their coat off and placing it on the coat rack. Avery was holding the turkey and took it to the kitchen with Ava, who was holding a shopping bag filled with other ingredients and dessert. Lewis and Isla laughed as they headed into dining room, holding the bottle of wine and other alcohol. Scott shrugged his leather coat off and placed it on the coat rack lastly before looking at Cassie, who was in deep thought.

"Penny for your thoughts?" He asked as he closed the front door.

She blinked and shook her head. "I'm just surprised. You didn't need to do this."

"Now, what kind of boyfriend would I be if I left my girlfriend alone on Thanksgiving?"

She blushed only slightly and rolled her eyes as he smirked at her when he caught the rosy colour on her cheeks. Scott took a step towards her, pressing his lips against hers and taking her breath away.

"I missed you." He murmured and she laughed quietly, pushing him away from her.

"You saw me on Tuesday. We only didn't see each other for one day because we had a day off so you went to see your grandparents."

Scott frowned as they walked towards the kitchen. "One day too long."

Cassie shook her head in amusement and glanced up at him to see Scott staring down at her with a soft look in his eyes. Melting in his gaze, she pressed her lips hard against his jawline.

"I missed you too, Scotty."

In an instant, his smile dropped off his face and was replaced with a scowl as she laughed once again, rushing into the kitchen to avoid his punishment. Avery was helping Ava marinate the turkey when Cassie stepped into the large marble themed kitchen. They were working on the island in the middle of the kitchen, all the bits and bobs needed scrabbled on all the tabletops, the kitchen beginning to look like a mess.

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