Chapter 1

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Moving sucks. Especially when you have three little siblings, your aunt and two little cousins that are moving with you. I'm the oldest kid in the house and I'm usually taking care of the others. My aunt took in me and my three little brothers when our parents died two years ago. They were killed in a car accident on the way home from a party at my dads' work. Me and my parents were really close. I told them whatever, well mostly everything, and they gave me advice. My mom spoiled me because I was the only girl child they had and I'm the first born. After I was born, my parents were told they couldn't have anymore kids but...five years later they had my brother, Jake and were happy so they had two more! My parents are crazy like that.

I really miss them. I think dealing with their death was harder for me because I knew them longer. My youngest sibling is fourteen years younger than me and was only two when our parents died. My aunt is my dads' sister and they were twins so it was a little harder to get over their deaths whenever I would see her and the resemblance. My youngest brother, Blaydon, calls our aunt 'Mom' because he doesn't know the difference. My second youngest brother, Mika, was only six when they died. He was old enough to know and understand so he took it hard, also.

My aunt is a single mom, taking care of her twins, one boy and one girl who are thirteen, while she is taking care of us four at the same time. I do my best to help her out and it is kind of stressful. Don't get me wrong, I love my family but it takes a toll on you after a while and moving was freaking hard. Me and my aunt had to make sure that my siblings and cousins had everything packed and we had to drive from Oregon to California. The drive from Bend, Oregon to Torrance, California took a long time. I heard it was a nice place but I'd rather stay in Oregon with my friends.

I've been told that I'm gorgeous and that I should become a model since I have the height to do it. I'm 5'11" since my dad is 6'0" and my mom is 5'8". I'm half black, my mom is white, my dad is black. Everyone always says that half-backs are gorgeous and most of them are, it's just that I don't believe that I am. I'm not one to care about looks, I never have been. That actually annoyed my mom because she wanted me to look like a girly-girl but I'd rather wear sweats and a t-shirt than skirts and blouses. My aunt is absolutely gorgeous and most of my friends envied her, which I just said whatever to. I've been asked out a lot but only because of my 'looks'. I don't care for having a relationship with a guy so at this new school, I won't let myself get attached to one person.

"Peyton, do you remember packing Blaydon's blanket?" my aunt asked as we were unpacking the kids rooms. We finally got a bigger house and I didn't have to share my room with more than three people, just my cousin.

"It's in the box labeled 'Blaydon's things'," I told her while I unpacked my things in mine and Kim's room. Kim is my cousin and is Kayden's twin. Our room was medium sized with a big walk-in closet. I don't mind sharing a room with Kim because she is a clean person, unlike my brothers.

"Thanks, sweetie!" my aunt yelled from Blaydon and Mika's room. The last two who are sharing a room are Kayden and Jake. Both of them are inseparable. They are basically partners in crime, causing things to break. It's quite entertaining every once in a while but I have had a lot of things broken because of them. We have been here for two days and are on our last boxes. With everyone working on a box we got a lot of things unpacked. Our house was two-story with a pool in the backyard. My siblings love swimming. After we finished unpacking, my aunt and I made dinner. We had school the next day, so the kids all went to bed early. Since I'm eighteen, I get to stay up later then they do. I'm the only one in high school so I had to drop off my cousins and brother at the middle school before I go to the high school. I so wasn't looking forward to this.

The new girl has a mate...Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ