Not an upload. Need help please!!!

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Sooo, I have no idea what to write for this story. I have major writers' block and I can't write on this story. I love this story, I just can't think of what to write anymore. This story is far from being done! Just stuck right now. And I would like anybody's help. If you would please help me, write a chapter on what you would like to read about next and Private Message it to me. Any help would be really appreciated. I know people like this story, but right now I can't continue. It will definitely not be on hold but I just would like some help to get this story going again.

I love when I come onto Wattpad and see that people have been reading this story. It makes my day. And I'm sure me not uploading this story has sucked for some people, or none lol but I'm sorry that I can't think on this story right now. But please, please help me out. I could even go as far as to say that I am kinda desperate for help. I really want to keep writing this story but I just can't think and it's killing me. This is the worst that I have ever had writers' block...ever. I will usually just have writer's block for like a week and think of something but this has been forever and it really sucks!

So if you would like, please, please help me out and write a story. You can either PM it to me or email it to me at any chapters would really help. And if you write one I will give you a shout out in any of my chapters and stories that you would like.

I hope you at least took the time to read this. That's all I can ask for. Even if I don't get any chapters or help I hope I will think of something.

Thanks, again.


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