Blood (Edited)

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Hey guys, this is my first story! I hope you enjoy!

One of the few choices I'd ever made in my short life: stay at the home I was in and continue to be miserable for the rest of my days, or leave, subjecting myself to the unknown with a man I had just met. At the time, I had been a broken child, so it had been a simple choice. Perhaps easier for me at the time than it should have been; I had picked the unknown because it had held the possibility of living contently, maybe even happily. I had forgotten what happiness felt like, so the opportunity to get away from the misery was enough.

I was glad that my decision, though naïve, had worked for my advantage. It had been so many years since that dejected child had left her world behind that I now wasn't sure what it felt like to be miserable.

Now, I was facing a second decision, similar, yet strangely opposite of the first. I could stay with the man who had whisked me away from suffering and raised me, risking death – or I could go and live with his brother, someone who had a dangerous reputation.

"I-" I sputtered, not knowing how to react to Sam's question.

"I know it's an unfair question," Sam's face looked grim, eyes lacking their usual gleam. "I would prefer you go live with Oliver. Sanctum is a dangerous sector in general, and Sanctum City, which is where I'll be located, is the center of all sorts of evil."

"Isn't your brother supposed to be-" I started with a question, but Sam was quick to cut me off and defend Oliver.

"Oliver is a complicated person; he's not particularly kind, but if you lived with him you'd be safe."

I sighed, not wanting to argue with Sam. I knew that his brother was likely the most important person in the world to him. Sam frowned at my attitude, green eyes puncturing me, making me feel almost guilty.

"If you had already decided where you wanted me to go, why ask?" I frowned back; he should have known that I would choose to go where he went no matter the risk.

"I was hoping you had enough reason in that brain of yours to pick the option of safety." Sam's tone had an edge to it, nearly sounding angry. If one knew Sam well enough, they knew that this side of him rarely made an appearance. I glanced down, not surprised to see his fists clenched and muscles tensed. Though Sam stood right at six feet, he wasn't an intimidating person - even when mad. He was handsome with a younger looking face and eyes that reminded me of still waters, which made him difficult to be taken seriously, especially considering he was more of a brother than my owner.

"Why would safety be a concern of mine?" I mocked, putting one hand on my hip and matching his bitter tone. He mirrored my stance with exaggeration, dropping his grave demeanor.

"Why would safety be a concern of mine?" He mimicked, adding a scuff to the end and pretending to flip his light brown hair which was kept just short enough that I was never able to braid it or put in tiny ponytails, something I was sure he'd done intentionally after taking me in.

"I'm serious Sam! I'd rather stay- "

"I'm serious Sam! I'd rather get killed than live!" His face contorted into a looked of annoyance as he straightened up. I was getting frustrated with him interrupting me. I glared silently at him, and after a few moments he seemed to realize his behavior was far from fair.

"I'm sorry, Kira. I just don't want you to get hurt; I could never live with myself if anything bad happened to you." Sam's look of defeat eased my own stubbornness. I owed everything to him, and didn't like seeing him upset.

"I know, I know. I'm just worried about living with your brother and you being so far away. I'd like you to be safe too."

"I'll be fine; I'm a vampire, but you're a human." Sam reminded me. It wasn't necessary, as I was fully aware of the differences between us. I was extremely lucky to be Sam's blood slave, and there wasn't a day that went by I wasn't grateful to him for taking me from Cedric. Just the thought of Cedric sent a chill up my spine.

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