Chapter 14

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We'd been walking for an hour and nobody had spoken a word since in the last thirty minutes... It was a little unnerving to be completely honest.

I kept trying to inch away from Cedric, but he'd only follow me with a ghost of a smirk. One of the two vampires had left, leaving only Cedric, Jay, and myself to walk alone. It was to my understanding that Jay was high ranking in Flintre, but not as high as Cedric. If Cedric were from Ibitario, he would be considered a legion-man, but I wasn't sure what system they had set up here.

"What system do you have? Because you don't have a Riken do you?" I asked quietly, curiosity getting the better of me.

"We have a top three, not five. They're all know as Summus, which is Latin for 'supreme'. They're equal in the division of power between them. Under them is a council of ten, which I'm in because I turned down being apart of the Summus. Our council is known as Superious, Latin for 'higher up'. I'm the head of that section. After us is a council of fifty who are known as Secunda, Latin for 'secondary'. After that it's really up to the towns and cities to put up security and what not." 

A strong gust of wind left me shivering. I was wearing skinny jeans with leggings underneath for warmth and a t-shirt with a hoodie over it. I had fuzzy boots and the hood on my hoodie pulled up, but it was no use. The air was cold enough as it was without the wind going straight through everything. My teeth began to chatter.

I looked over at Cedric who was only wearing a dark pair of jeans with a tight long sleeved with tennis shoes and didn't even seem to be bothered by the cold. He glanced down at me and I quickly looked away, hoping he wouldn't say anything. 

He reached inside his pocket and pulled out a phone, looking at something.

"No wonder." He mumbled to himself.

"It's only 18 degrees out here; even I feel cold." Cedric said a little louder this time. I looked back at Jay, who actually looked bothered by the cold.

"Can we stop and get some real food. I'm hungry and I sure the human is starving." He said, trying to cover up that he just wanted to be out of the cold.

"Sure, there's a small town about a mile northwest of here." Cedric replied. It was weird to hear him be monotone. We were going directly west, so we shifted and started heading a little to our right. We were walking for about fifteen minutes when I saw the town begin to come into sight. I wanted to walk faster, but we remained going at the same pace. When we entered, we immediately found a small place that sold food. 

As soon as we walked in, I let out a sigh of relief. It was sooo warm. My body defrosting and relaxing slightly. We got in line behind a woman with a small child next to her. The little girl looked back at me with curiosity and I smiled. Her face lit up and she grinned back. I knew that vampires didn't get there fangs and drink blood until they were a little older, so I could only assume she was a vampire.

I could feel Cedric's eyes on the side of my head and when I looked up I was met with a deadly glare. It wasn't like him to glare at all and the smile that had been on my face instantly disappeared. He didn't look away and I couldn't, so for a moment I stood there terrified as I saw his green eyes begin to turn black. I didn't understand his anger and I felt my insides start to well up in fear. Finally, his eyes softened and returned to normal and the glare was gone as if it'd never been there at all...

Jay ordered first, getting four jelly/blood donuts. Then Cedric ordered food for for me. It was a good thing because I had no idea what a donut was. Whatever it was he got me three... 

"And for you, sir?" The girl behind the counter asked. She looked annoyed and it was obvious in her tone. I saw a mischievous smile start on Cedric's mouth. He didn't normally get mad when others did. He would only get amused.

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