Chapter 36

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Kira's POV

After the rest of Brent's pack showed up at the mansion, we easily finished rearranging everything so that everyone could fit. Then Oliver made everyone cram into the living room. Most of them were standing, but a few had sat on the couch, chairs, or even the floor.

Overall it was incredibly crowded and the tension was through the roof. This alone seemed to be putting Oliver into a terrible mood.

"Okay, lets just set a few rules straight. We need to play nice and that includes all of us. If you really want to bash it out, you let Brent or myself know because we aren't going to have people dying when we need to be working together." Oliver said, eyes scanning the crowd.

"Second thing, you don't interfere with my slaves or how I go about living here. If you are a vampire staying here I don't mind if you drink from them, except Kira, but don't do it excessively and if I find one of them dead I'll personally snap the neck of the one who killed them. I know that sometime you might be more thirsty than usual and if you are just drink from more than one slave. It's a pretty simple fix." Oliver said dryly. I heard scuffs and noises float through the room and knew it was the disgust from the werewolves. A movement caught my eye and I was happy to see that Felix had finally shown up again.

"Well it's about time."

He only chuckled in response.

"Shut up, all of you. It isn't like you didn't know any of this." Oliver said with a frown to the wolves who were quietly complaining.

"Isn't he a ball of joy." Felix said sarcastically with a smirk. I tried to restrain a laugh, but it broke through a little and I had to conceal it with a fake cough. Oliver glared down at me, crystal blue eyes burning with suspicion. He slowly looked back at the crowd.

"I don't mind if some of the kids and teenagers want to mess around in the yard, but don't go wandering off, especially if you are a wolf." He said. He seemed to be looking back at some girl sitting near the man I'd been told was the beta of the pack. I would've been jealous if his eyes weren't screaming 'I really hate you'. I wondered what she'd done to anger him so much and felt a bit of anger toward her as well.

"If he doesn't calm down soon he might cause himself some internal bleeding." Felix said, eyeing Oliver carefully.

"What makes you say that?"

"Well look at him; he looks like he might break down and go on a killing spree any moment." Felix said. I looked at Oliver and studied him carefully. He was tensed up and had his jaw clenched. Maybe Felix had a point.

"Unless it is for something really important, don't bother me please. It is most annoying to be distracted when I'm busy. And just a forewarning, I don't particularly like wolves. You smell bad and have a funny thing you do when you're enormously hypocritical, so don't go out of your way to piss me off. I think that's about it if anyone has any questions."

Mitch raised his hand, and I could tell by the look on his face that he was going to say something that would probably make Oliver angry. Oliver must've been able to tell as well.

"If you have a snarky remark, you'd better keep it to yourself." He said.

"No, no, it's nothing like that. I just want to know how WE are hypocritical." He said, crossing his arms and puffing his chest out slightly. Oliver smirked.

"My oh my, this ought to be great. I wish I could still eat popcorn." Felix said. I started smiling, although I knew it would make Oliver mad if I laughed.

"I feel like he's trying to come up with something to say back to him, because he really has no idea how they are 'hypocritical'" Felix added. I couldn't help but giggle as Felix grinned at me.

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