Chapter 9

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Oliver's POV

I sat down on the couch after watching Brent run off. I had to admit I'd been offended that he had attacked me, but war was war, and he was under orders. I let his son go, but I hadn't really wanted to kill him anyway. I just had a reputation to uphold. Most of which was true anyway, but I didn't want anyone thinking I'd gone soft.

It had been so long since I'd thought about my childhood, but that's what I did as I closed my eyes and waited for the Council of Elders to arrive, including my dad.


(Several years before the treaty with Brent.)

I was sitting down in the study. I always liked this room. I was playing a game called 'Flow' on a tablet. It was really old but it still worked just fine. This game was my favorite because it required concentration and thinking. Those two things would help when I eventually became Riken.

I heard Sam sneaking into the room, no doubt trying to scare me. He was only 49 (8 in human years). Normally I went along with it, but I was in a bad mood because Dad had given me a stupid lecture. Sure I'd done a few things to upset him but I didn't need a lecture telling me how I was always getting in his way and that I should be a better son. I'd told him that before I would start being (In his words) 'less of a pain' that he would need to start being a better father. Then I stormed out. I couldn't help it. 

I felt a little bad about it, but it was his fault too. He acted like I was such a horrible kid, but as a dad, he was always gone and even when he was here the only time he talked to me was to help with training or to get on to me for something I'd done that he didn't like. He spent any free time he had with Mom or Sam. It didn't matter though. I had my dad's father to help me when I really needed it.

As Sam crept up behind my chair, getting ready to pounce, I turned and faced him.

"What do you want Sam?"

His face fell for a moment, upset that he hadn't gotten me. It wasn't like he ever did, but I normally let him think he did.

"Will you come play with me?" He asked, looking hopeful.

"I'm not in the mood right now. Plus I'm trying to beat this game; I'm on the last pack." I said, turning back to my tablet.

"Awwww, come on. I really wanna fight some." He said, grabbing on to the chair and collapsing to his knees.

"No. Not now. Maybe after I finish this. It'll only take about twenty minutes."

He huffed and got up. He pulled up another chair and sat down to watch me. I gave him a look but didn't say anything. I knew he'd start getting impatient soon.

Sure enough, only about two minutes later he was fidgeting.

"This is taking forever. Can't you do that later?"

"No, and if you're bored go find something else to do for a little while. Otherwise be quiet or I'll make you leave." I said, keeping my voice even. If I got harsh with him he'd get upset and go to my dad. Then I'd end up with another lecture.

"Okay I'll be quiet, just don't make me leave." He said with a worried voice. He ALWAYS wanted to be around me and it was annoying.

"Alright." I said with suspicion in my voice. He couldn't be quiet to save his life and I knew I was going to end up telling him to leave soon anyway.

He made it about 5 minutes before he began to start sighing and moving around in his chair, then another two before he spoke again.

"Are you done yet? That game is boring anyway." He said in a whiny voice.

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