Chapter 19

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Kira's POV

Today is the day. I thought to myself as I woke up. I yawned and slowly sat up, rubbing my eyes. I looked over and saw that Cedric was still asleep. Painful light streamed in through the window against the white sheets and blankets. I looked over at the clock and saw that it was 9 in the morning. So far this was the latest we'd slept in and the latest that I personally slept in the last year. I let out a deep sigh; this was going to put us behind schedule for sure.

I slowly climbed out of bed and made my way to the window. We were on the 11th floor and facing the forest on the very edge of the town. The view was breathtaking. The trees went on forever and were still green, but they were dusted over with snow. I stood there for a moment before I felt like someone was watching me. My heart rate picked up and I quickly looked back at Cedric.

He was still sleeping...

I turned back to the forest and looked around carefully. The hairs on the back of my neck were standing up. After a couple of minutes I was about to give up and accept that I was paranoid, but then I saw something.

A person.

I studied them from afar, but I couldn't make out any detail. They appeared to be sitting back against a tree, almost casually. I couldn't tell if it was a boy or a girl, but one thing was for certain.

It was staring straight at me.

"Cedric." I breathed out in a soft whisper. I was met with silence.

"Cedric." I whispered only slightly louder. He made a noise that almost sounded like 'what', but was really only a grumbled.

"Cedric, get up. And do it quietly. There's someone staring at me through the window." I said so quietly I only barely heard it. But I knew he was awake and would hear me just fine. 

In a flash he was by my side and I pointed down to the stranger. Cedric growled sightly, but only stared at the person for a moment before they disappeared in the blink of an eye. Cedric stared off into space before turning to me.

"Do you think it was a rogue?" I asked, worried.

"No, I know the guy. He's not a rogue but I don't know why he's here. Let's just say we don't get along very well." Cedric said, eyes turning to an inky black as he spoke of him.

"Who is he?" I asked a little shakily. 

"His name is Damion. I killed his mate awhile back before they'd mated. Honestly, I'm surprised he's even still alive. I'd have thought he would've gone mad by now. I guess he's still waiting for the chance to repay me." Cedric said, smirking slightly.

"What do you mean 'repay' you?" I asked slowly and suspiciously.

"He told me he'd kill my mate one day. Someone probably saw you with me and assumed we were mates, then ran off and told him so. He wouldn't be able to tell you were a human from the ground with the smell of other humans everywhere, so we might run into a little trouble later on." Cedric said, turning around and pulling clothes from his bag.

"I cleaned your clothes again so they'll be dry for today."

"Do you think he'll try to kill me?" 

"Maybe, but I'm here so he won't be able to anyway. We'll leave for breakfast in five minutes, so hurry up." Cedric said, brushing off the issue like it was nothing. I sighed in irritation, but got ready to leave nonetheless. 

Ten minutes later we were sitting at a table in the inn's lobby we eggs, bacon, toast, and orange juice sitting in front of us.

"Mmmmm." I said as I shoveled bacon into my mouth. Cedric chuckled at my response and began eating his own food.

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