Chapter 16

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Kira's POV

It was day four with Cedric... It'd been a nightmare but not as bad as I'd expected. I couldn't figure out why he was acting so strangely. Maybe he'd changed for the better, but I doubted it. We were stopped for lunch and Jay was scouting again.

I glanced up for like the fifth time.

"What?" He finally asked in an irritated tone.

"Why are you being nice?" I asked bluntly, but in a polite tone.

"Do you WANT me to be mean?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"No, but.... but I don't understand why you're being so... different."

"Yeah? Well don't count on it. I'm not doing it because of you." He said, glaring at me a little. 

"Well than why are you?" 

"None of your damn business."

That was the end of THAT conversation. I shrunk back into myself and didn't say anything again.

Jay suddenly zipped in front of us, out of breath and looking worried.

"What is it?" Cedric asked, standing up.

"Someone must've tipped the rouges off, they're starting to surround us. And there's a lot of them, like fifteen." He said. Cedric's eyes widened and he glanced down at me for a moment.


"Wh-what are we going to do?" I asked, standing up as well. If this was enough to worry Cedric, I was scared.

"YOU"RE going to do nothing until I tell you otherwise. Jay and I will have to fight them off. I'm sure we can take them, I'm just not sure what to do about you." He said, looking at me like it was my fault. Then he stiffened, looking around and sniffing the air.

"They're closing in, get ready."

I stiffened and looked around. Of course I didn't see anything. After a few moments I saw a flash, and then suddenly Cedric was holding a rouge by the neck just feet in front of me... He used his other hand, and before I could process, the vampire slumped with Cedric's hand plunged into his chest. He dropped the vampire before flashing away. I stared at the dead body for a minute and backed up, turning around. 

"Well hello there little human." I heard from behind me. I masked my face and slowly turned around. Sam had always to me to distract vampires if I had someone nearby that could help, and that was the plan for now.

"Why hello there large vampire." I said, forcing myself to breath slowly and smirk. I looked at the vampire who was surprisingly muscular, unlike most vampires. He grinned back and boomed with laughter.

"A human with a sense of humor, how cute." He said, taking a step towards me. I remained in place and gave him a bored look.

"So what do you want?" I asked, raising an eyebrow, trying to look irritated.

He raised an eyebrow.

"Your blood would be nice. But before I kill you, I'll make you watch your master die. How's that for a plan?" 

"My master? Oh honey, Cedric isn't my master; he's merely my escort. It would really be more of a pleasure to watch you rip his heart out." I said coldly. I was gaining a little confidence, but before the man could reply, he jerked in an awkward way, eyes going distant before falling to the ground. Behind him stood Cedric, holding a heart in his hand.

"That was cold Bella, but smart." He said, giving me a half smile before flashing away again. Another few moments passed and I was suddenly looking at two vampires this time.

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