Chapter 25

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Kira's POV

I stared in shock at the vampire boys, who looked no older than 15.

"Who are you?" I asked incredulously. They exchanged nervous glances and one of them took a step forward, raising his hands in surrender.

"Please, just don't tell the Riken. We didn't even know this was the Riken's home! We just knew it was big and we would be able to get some food." He said anxiously. I gave him a suspicious look.

"Did you break into the mansion to steal food?" I questioned. I saw the boy swallow.

"We didn't know it was Riken Oliver's mansion. We didn't even know the Riken's name was Oliver until we heard everyone talking in the other room and he said something about being Riken." The boy said, repeating himself.

"So you did break into the mansion? How did you even get in here without being noticed and how did we not hear you break this stuff?" I asked, my puzzlement growing with each question.

"We used a silencer, which is a spell that a healer gave us so that nobody can hear us outside of a twenty foot range, but it's about to run out. And we couldn't be sensed because the healer also gave us ravorrent, a rare herb that makes us really hard to sense, but the Riken would probably be able to if he got close to us." A different boy said, starting to get more worried.

"He's going to kill us if he finds us." The third one said. The others nodded and they started talking to each other too fast for me to keep up.

"Calm down, he isn't going to kill you. How did this happen?" I asked, looking at the flour, fruit, and bread that was covering the floor.

"Andy was on the counter, trying to reach the bowl of fruit, but he started tipping backwards so he grabbed the shelf to steady himself, but the entire thing just slid right out. We thought you'd heard us somehow when you came in here, but it must've been a coincidence." The boy that seemed to be the leader said. 

I was about to say something when all of their heads shot up towards the door.

"He's coming." One of them said in a panic. They looked at me before deciding to hide in the large, walk-in pantry.

I sighed; I didn't know if I could lie to Oliver, but I also wasn't sure how he'd react. As the door opened I watched Oliver walk in with a certain amount of calm. When he saw the mess, his eyes widened.

"What the hell happened in here?" He asked, looking straight at Ari, who'd still been quiet. Her hand gripped mine a little tighter. Before we could even say something he tensed, his eyes shooting to the pantry.

"Who's in there? Come out now." He commanded, narrowing his eyes. The way his body was tensed I knew he was prepared to kill someone if needed. Ari quickly left the room. I knew she was scared of Oliver even when he was calm. I was sure she didn't even want to be in the vicinity when he was mad.

"Um, Oliver." I said in a weak voice. He didn't even glance at me.

Slowly the boys walked out, but didn't dare approach us. He stiffened up when he saw how young they were, and or the briefest moment I saw his eyes soften.

Oliver frowned slightly, seeming to be thinking hard.

The leader was first to drop to one knee, kneeling down, clenching his fist and putting his arm over his chest (saluting), and bowing his head. The other two quickly followed in his lead.

"You used ravorrent and a silencer? I'm curious as to how you got your hands on that, but that isn't the issue at hand. Why did you break into my home?" He asked, voice icy and distant. Oliver's frown had turned into a look of annoyance and anger.

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