Chapter 8

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Kira's POV

I heard howls cut through the air, some in agony, some with a sound of loss. I couldn't be sure who was winning when I looked through the window at the battle. It was a full moon, which I thought was ironic because neither the night or moon had anything to do with vampires or werewolves; it was just a superstition humans had long ago.

I could make out a few figures off in the distance, but nobody stood out to me. It seemed that none of the vampires had fallen, but the amount of werewolves that I could see was growing rather quickly. I found myself worrying about Oliver and Noah.

I saw a few wolves running towards the house and felt my stomach do a flip. As they got closer, one turned to fight a vampire that I hadn't seen, but the others continued on. Not seconds later the door opened and I was surprised to see three werewolves in human form rather than wolf form, holding their hands up in a way that said they meant no harm. I looked around and saw that all of the other slaves were hesitating.

"We just want to have a chat, so why don't you all put the crossbows down?" The one who looked to be the leader said. None of us moved a muscle, continuing to point our weapons at them. They gave each other nervous looks before seeming to decide that it was worth a try anyway.

"We want you to join us. You're slaves to them, but for us you'd be held at a higher standard and respected. We could use your help in this war, and I think you all want the vampires to be overthrown just as much as us." He said, sounding more confident with each word. However, his words were partially truth and partially lies. We wouldn't be respected, they just needed our help.

If anyone went with them, Oliver would kill them, and that was enough to stop anyone from switching sides, but the offer was enough to make them hesitate to shoot. I was pretty sure that if Oliver knew that we'd let them go, he'd be almost as upset as he would be if we joined them. Nobody seemed eager to shoot and the werewolves smirked as everyone glanced around at each other.

While I was horrified with the idea of hurting the werewolves, I was not eager to find out what Oliver would do if he learned we had hesitated. I pointed my gun at the leader who was turned away from me slightly, staring at a few slaves to my left. I steadied my hands like Oliver had showed me, aimed at his side, and pulled the trigger.

Oliver hadn't been joking about the kick. As the noise it created made my ears ring, the gun jerked upwards in a weird way. I heard the werewolf cuss and I looked up to see I'd managed to hit him in the upper arm. I felt horror fill me; I'd shot a person. None of the other slaves said or did anything, but they stared at me with wide, surprised eyes. The wolf dropped to his knees, screaming in pain. He quickly dug the bullet from his arm, turning to glower at me with deep hatred.

"The bullets are laced with vampire venom. She has a gun and I didn't even notice. She must be special to Oliver." He spat, informing the other two as he got to his feet.

"All of you can join us but that one." He said. You could hear how much he loathed me. "She gets to die a painful death."

I heard his threat to me, but before I could even fully understand what he'd said, I saw an arrow fly through the air. The wolf caught it and turned. I looked to see Simon putting another arrow in place. I smiled gratefully at him.

Threatening me must've set the rest of them off as well, because closely following Simon's arrow, many others shot off, some missing and some meeting their targets. All three went down, and after everyone shooting a second arrow, they stopped moving entirely. The other wolves must've known that they'd been shot, because one large wolf jumped through the open doorway, who met the same fate. Only this time, there wasn't a moment of hesitation.

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