Chapter 31

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Kira's POV

I looked up at the stage and saw Nick walk up to the mike. I noticed Oliver sitting to the far left of the Council of Elders. 

"Ahem." Nick said gently into the microphone. The entire room silenced at once.

"I want to thank you all for coming out tonight. Before I hand this over to my son, the Riken of Ibitario, I'd like to personally apologize for anything he may or may not say." He said with a beaming smile. A rumble of laughter swept through the entire room.

"Now, I welcome Riken Oliver Histe to the microphone." He said. Everyone began to applaud as Oliver stood up. I could see the smirk on his face from here. Before he took over the microphone he and Nick shook hands and hugged. Nick said something quietly to Oliver which made Oliver laugh.

"Alright, before I begin, I'd just like to say that the apple never falls far from the tree." I heard Oliver's gorgeous voice say. Another roar of laughter.

Nick quickly turned back and moved Oliver from the mike. 

"My tree grew near a cliff and Oliver's apple went right over it and landed very far away. Sam was the one who didn't fall far" Nick clarified. Oliver rolled his eyes and pushed Nick a few steps back so that he could speak.

"Yeah, yeah, we all know Sam is the good child. He said, rolling his eyes again.

Nick smiled at him and patted Oliver on the head.

"Alight, as many of you just discovered, my name is Oliver Histe and I am the Riken of Ibitario. I hope that you're all having a good night so far, because I know mine has been interesting. I've already been rejected and threatened." He said, laughing along with the crowd.

"My father always said I 'had a knack for trouble.' I guess he was right. I'm supposed to be up here for a few minutes telling you about myself, but frankly I have no idea what I should say." He said, looking around the room.

"I suppose I could start from the beginning. My father was the previous Riken and my grandfather was the Riken before him and became the leader of the Council of Elders, which is the position my father currently holds. I guess we are all just following in each others' footsteps. So really you're looking at the next leader of the Council of Elders." He said, smirking largely. Again, everyone laughed.

If only they knew he wasn't joking. I thought, rolling my eyes.

"You can say that again." I heard a voice say. I turned and looked at Felix, who was smiling up at Oliver. 

Where have you been? I haven't seen you in a few days.

"Can't stay down here forever you know." He said, glancing at me. I didn't say anything, and turned back to Oliver.

"As of right now I'm 229 years old. I took the position of Riken about eight years ago and I am very aware that I am the youngest vampire to ever be Riken by 107 years, beating my father's record by a long shot. He was 336 when he became Riken, so I like to brag to Draccus about me becoming Riken so young. There's a funny story from when I was young. Draccus always told me that he didn't think I'd ever be Riken, but slowly that turned into 'you'll never beat your father's record', and finally it was 'I nominate Oliver Histe to be the Riken of Ibitario." He said looking back at Draccus and smiling. Draccus returned it with a glare.

"You see, I don't blame him for not liking me very much. It was my goal to make the entire Council miserable every time I saw them. But nonetheless, even if he doesn't like me, I know he'll always love me." Oliver said with fake  affection touching his chest and looking back at Draccus again. Giggles flooded the room, including my own.  It seems that Draccus couldn't take it anymore and he stood up, walking to the mike. 

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