Nice to meet you

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  Papyrus POV

*ring ring*
*ring ring*
*ring ri-*
"Bro! Pick up the damn phone!" Sans yelled from the living room.
I was out in the kitchen making some spaghetti for lunch and was hoping that Sans would pick up the phone for once. He was always out in the living room drinking his ketchup. I honestly didn't understand why ketchup was his favorite snack. Spaghetti is the best food ever to exist afterall!!! NHEHEHE!!
"Hello? You have reached I, the great papyrus!" I said as I picked up the phone.
  "H-h-h-hello," the voice answered.
  It was obviously Alphys. She was one of our closest friends and she always loved telling us about new inventions. Some of the things she made was pretty cool, but she definitely needs to make a spaghetti device nehehe!!
  "So I h-h-h-have b-b-been w-w-working on s-s-something for quite a w-w-while n-n-n-now and I t-t-think you should c-check it out!" Alphys said excitedly.
  "WOWIE! I can't wait to see it! I'll be right over!" I said as I hung up the phone.
I then noticed that the spaghetti I was making was completely burnt to the fact where it was completely black, but I just shrugged it off.
"Sans! I'm going over to see Alphys! She invented something new and it sounds awesome!"
  "What is it this time?" Sans asked.
  "I'm not sure, but I'm going to check it out, you wanna come?"
  "Nah bro, I'll just stay here," sans said as he continued to drink from his ketchup.
"Oh, ok!" I said as I walked through the door.
  "Oh and bro?"
  "Sans don't do it!"
  "I'll KETCHUP to ya later!"
  I slammed the door and began to walk. Sans' puns always drove me in sane. One time he told so many puns to the point where I started to cry. They are just always so awful.
  I walked peacefully until I finally arrived at her lab. I didn't have to knock on a door, Alphys was already standing there with a huge smile on her face.
  "Y-y-you got h-here f-f-f-fast!" She said happily.
  "I always love seeing the things you make!" I said as she lead me inside. It seemed like her lab got bigger every time I was there. Sans and I lived in such a small place and her lab was just so huge, it was pretty amazing to be honest.
  "T-thanks! I've been w-working p-p-pretty h-h-h-hard on th-this!"
I followed her to a room with a huge door. She opened it to reveal the most handsome robot I had ever seen! I dropped my jaw in amazement.
  "Hello darling," he chucked.
  "Papyrus, t-this is mettaton!" Alphys
said with a proud smile on her face.
  Mettaton then grabbed my hand and kissed it.
  "It's so nice to meet you darling,"

Forbidden (papyton fanfic undertale) Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon