Seperation sadness

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Mettaton POV

I never realized how boring my life is without Papyrus until I had to stay away from him. Lately I haven't been able to spend time with my beloved Papyrus. It was such a stressful situation to be in, but I had no choice. If anybody was to find out about him, there would be a huge chance of me loosing him. That's just a chance I'm not willing to take. I need my Papyrus in my life. He's like my knight in shining armor.
  Sigh. My knight in shining armor. It actually has a nice ring to it. Someone to just take me away from my life. I'm his prince that he saved from the castle.
  I giggled at the thought of this. I was just sitting on my bed trying to think of inspiration for my next song, but all I could think about was Papyrus. I needed to see him so badly.
  I then began to write in my journal. If I couldn't get Papyrus off my mind, then I might as well use him for my inspiration.

Your eyes are like stars in the sky 
Your laugh is like an angel's cry
Your smile shines like the sun
Oh, I know that your the one

There isn't a single moment where you don't cross my mind
I love you darling, I wish you would realize...

Being apart from you is misery
As I constantly wish for your company
I'm feeling separation sadness
And I know you feel it too
Oh, how I miss you

Your voice is like a bird's song
Oh, Your kiss never feels wrong
Your love is just so welcoming
Oh, I know that your the one

There isn't a single moment where you don't cross my mind
I love you darling, I wish you would realize...

Being apart from you is misery
As I constantly wish for your company
I'm feeling separation sadness
And I know you feel it too
Oh, how I miss you

Oh, how I love you
Oh, how I need you
I rather die then be without you

There isn't a single moment where you don't cross my mind
I love you darling, I wish you would realize...

Being apart from you is misery
As I constantly wish for your company
I'm feeling separation sadness
And I know you feel it too
Oh, how I miss you
I'm feeling separation sadness...
And I know you feel it...too

I closed my journal before bursting into tears. I never put that much heart and soul into a song before, I just missed papyrus so much. I cried into my pillow as I sung my newly written song quietly to myself.
  "I love you papyrus..." I whispered quietly.
  I wondered if he was missing me as well. Could he be thinking about me? Could he be as upset as I am?
I continued to sob until I heard a knock on my bedroom door. Alphys then slowly walked in.
  "M-mettaton, are you ok?" She asked in a concerned voice.
  "Oh yes darling, I'm...*sniff*...I'm fine," I tried reassure her as I gently wiped away my tears.
  "Are you s-sure? Y-your crying," she pushed on.
  "Oh, it's just allergies," I lied.
   "Umm your a robot. Robots can't get allergies...."
  "Hahaha! Your right! Im so silly! Robots can't get allergies!" I laughed nervously. I really didn't want Alphys to walk in on me crying. This was an awful situation to be in.
"Yeah...." She said awkwardly before leaning my room.
  I let out a sigh of relief, before I slammed my head back into my pillow. I quietly cried myself to sleep as I wished that Papyrus was by my side.

Thank you for reading! You have no idea how long it took me to write that song for this story (yes, I wrote the song lol) anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! See you all in the next one!-Paige

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