The end

446 29 16

Mettaton POV

It had only been two more nights since the party. Papyrus and I were finally starting to feel like we were settling in again. In fact, it almost felt like we never left. Almost.
  Things were honestly starting to get stressful for us. The fact that we couldn't stand being together, just the two of us, felt like a huge strain on our relationship. I was scared. Papyrus was laying next to me in bed, but was that what he wanted?
  I was starting to feel paranoid. I didn't say anything to papyrus and I let him enjoy himself being back with his family. Yes, I missed my family too, but now I'm missing papyrus. I guess I just can't be satisfied...
  I jumped once I felt papyrus wrap his arms around my waist, burying his face into the back of my neck. I felt his calm breath against my neck as he sighed and yawned.
  "Good morning, my love," he said in a tired tone. "Did you sleep good?"
  "For the most part, darling," I sighed.
  "You seem a little jumpy. Is everything okay?" He asked, concerned.
  "Oh, I'm fine darling," I said, trying to seem as happy as I could. "Don't worry about me,"
  "Well I just care about you. I'll always worry about you," he said as he turned my body around to look at me. He continued to hold me as he looked into my eyes. "You know I love you, right?"
  "Of course papyrus," I said with a small smile.
  "Good. I love you so much, mettaton. I really do and I always will,"
  I began to blush as he stared deeper into my eyes. My cheeks got warmer as he continued to stare. This made him smile. Before I knew it, he came in for a kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck as we went deeper into the kiss. His kisses always made me feel more
secure. Once he pulled away, he could clearly see how red my face had gotten.
"It's so adorable when you blush," he smiled.
"Oh, hush darling!" I giggled.
We remained cuddling for a little longer until we eventually decided to get up. We hadn't cuddled like that in a while. It felt really nice, but I was still scared and paranoid. I truly didn't want to lose him and it was beginning to scare me.
Of course not after long, Sans arrived at the house. He was always coming over to see his brother. The two of them were closer then ever. It was sweet, but also scary. I had to always hide the burning emotions inside of me. It was getting harder and harder already.
I watched them talk and laugh together with a fake smile on my face. I couldn't let him see the pain no matter what. It would only make things more complicated.
I was surprised to see that the brothers were both staring at me, smiles on their faces. I looked at the both of them with a confused look on my face before I decided to say something.
"What? Why are you guys looking at me like that?"
"I have a little surprise for you.." papyrus giggled.
"And it's not his dick!" Sans announced.
"SANS!" Papyrus yelled as Sans laughed. "Anyyyyyyway! I have a surprise for you! I gotta over your eyes and I'll lead you there, okay?"
I was a little nervous, but I agreed. He covered my eyes with his bones hands and lead the way. I was hoping this wasn't one of their pranks. I would honestly start crying if he was just pranking me. We continued walking, and I almost tripped a couple of times, but he helped me from face planting.
"Darling, are we almost there,"
"Yes, my love. Just a few more steps," he said in a soothing voice.
I was still scared, though. We walked only a few more steps before papyrus asked me if I was ready. I nodded slowly, before he pulled his hands away.
  My eyes widened as I stared out into a huge crowd in front of me. I looked around in surprise as the crowd yelled and screamed excitedly.
  "W-what's going on?" I asked papyrus.
"I know it's been a while everyone, but welcome back to the second season of cooking with papyton!!" Papyrus yelled out into the crowd as they cheered louder. "This show is what bonded mettaton and I, so I wanted to continue this show! Mettaton means the world to me, and so does this show!"
  The crowd yelled louder. Papyrus looked over to me to see my mouth wide open. I was in absolute shock. This had to be the most romantic thing that had ever happened to me.
  "What do you say, mettaton? Would you like to continue the show?" Papyrus smiled at me.
  The crowd began chanting my name as papyrus stared into my eyes. I stared back and smiled.
  "Of course, papyrus!"
  The audience began to cheer. I felt like a star again, and it was all because of papyrus. I couldn't believe he had done all this for me. We started this show together, and now, we were continuing to make the show grow.
  "So what are we making today?" I asked papyrus, as my eyes glittered in excitement.
  "Well, actually, I already have something prepared..." papyrus reached under the counter and pulled out a plate of spaghetti. I froze in shock when I saw what was on top of it.
  Papyrus grabbed a ring from on top of the plate and got down on one knee as I covered my mouth in excitement.
  "Mettaton, I love you and I always will. I know we've been through a lot together, but you mean so much to me. I want to have you forever and ever no matter what and I'll never stop loving you until the day I die. Mettaton, will you marry me?"
  Tears flowed down my cheeks as he looked up at me with a huge smile on his face. The audience stared intently for my answer. Through the tears, I smiled.
  "Yes, papyrus, yes!" I yelled happily.
  The crowd began yelling again as I jumped into papyrus's arms. I held him as tight as I could as I buried my face inti his shoulder.
  "I love you, papyrus! I love you so much!" I cried.
"I'll love you forever, mettaton," he grinned as tears began to flow down his face as well. "I'll be yours forever and I won't go anywhere, I promise"
  I held him tighter as we both fell to our knees, holding each other tight. I was so scared of losing him, but now he was mine forever. We was committed to me, and I was committed to him. Our love was now definite, and couldn't be torn apart no matter what happened.
  Yes, our love was forbidden at first. However, that didn't keep us apart.

I want to thank you all so much for reading this and being there for me all the way! I really enjoyed writing this story and it's so sad to see it end! I cried as I finished this story. I want to thank you all so much for this experience and thank you for reading -Paige, the proud writer of forbidden

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