I'm always here

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Mettaton POV

I hated to see Alphys crying all the time. I knew that she loved Undyne. All I wanted was for her to be happy again.
  I haven't even been talking to Papyrus that much. I've been spending most of my time trying to cheer up Alphys. I felt bad because I really did want to spend time with Papyrus, but I can't just leave Alphys like this. She's basically my mother.
  I was just sitting next to Alphys on the couch watching anime with her. She loved anime so I tried to make sure she would watch plenty of it to keep her in a good mood. I tried to avoid romance anime as much as I could. Alphys actually looked pretty happy which brought a smile to my face.
  Just as I was getting really into the anime, I heard a knock on the door.
  "I'll get it, darling. Be sure to tell me what happens," I said as I got of the couch and approached the door.
  It was Papyrus. It was very nice to see his face again. 
  "Oh, hello darling," I greeted him.
  "Hello mettaton!" Papyrus grinned.
  I tilted me head a bit so he could see Alphys sitting on the couch. I didn't want Alphys to hear Papyrus say anything romantic to me, we were still keeping out relationship a secret.
  "I'm so happy to see you, what are you doing here?" I whispered to Papyrus.
  "I really miss you, I was hoping we could spend some time together..." Papyrus whispered back. I never heard Papyrus whisper before, it was pretty surprising.
  "I don't know...I really want to spend time with you but I can't leave Alphys like this..." I whispered, concerned.
  Just as Papyrus opened his mouth to say something, Alphys suddenly yelled over to me.
  "W-who's at the door mettaton?" She asked.
  "Oh, it's papyrus,"
  "Oh, are you leaving the house?" She asked. "You can go if you want I'll be fine here,"
  "Wait really? Are you sure? I want to make sure your ok..."
  "Oh, I'll be fine. You've been helping me so much lately, go have some fun for a little,"
  I was pretty shocked. I figured Alphys would be devastated if she was left alone. I was really excited that I could spend some time with Papyrus.
  "Thank you darling, I'll try not to be gone for too long," I said as I walked out of the lab.
  I took Papyrus's hand and intertwined my fingers with his. I was so happy I was with the love of my life again.
  "So what do you have planned?" I asked him as we continued to walk.
  "Oh nothing special just a romantic dinner for two that's all..." He said with a sexy smirk.
  "Oh Papyrus!" I practically screamed as I threw myself into his his arms.
  "I just thought I would make you happy since you've been really upset about Alphys lately," he said with a blush on his handsome face.
  "Thank you so much Papyrus! This is so sweet of you!"
   "It's a surprise though, so I'm gonna have to cover your eyes till we get there," he said as he covered my eyes with his hands.
  I was so excited for the surprise. I can't believe he planned a romantic dinner for us! He's so sweet! We walked for about ten minutes, until he finally stopped me.
  "We're here," he said in a sexy voice before reveling the scene in front of me.
  I had no idea where we were but there was a table set with a candle. There were hearts all over the room and rose pedals on the floor. The rose pedals started from the table and continued to a room with a closed door...
  My heart began to pound out of my chest. I was so excited for a romantic night with Papyrus....

Yup sorry for the cliffhanger but I hope you all are enjoying the story so far! Thank you all so much for reading! -Paige

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