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Sans POV

   It's been two weeks since my brother and his boyfriend disappeared. With every second that went by, I knew there was a bigger chance of them being dead. That thought terrified me to the core. It made my bones shiver. They just had to be alive.
  I sat on my roof and looked up at the stars. The sky was full of them, lighting up the dark sky. It's beauty brought a tear to my eye. I couldn't get Papyrus off my mind. I couldn't believe that my baby brother was lost. I promised him that I would always protect him...
  I continued to stare up into the night sky. I wondered if papyrus was looking up at the same stars as I was. I wondered if he was thinking about me. Most importantly, I wondered if he was safe.
  "Papyrus....I know you're out there. I'm not giving up on you, bro. I'll never give up on you. Never...."

Papyrus POV

  Running away with Mettaton had been stressful on me. We were staying in a small apartment and we continued to wear our disguises. I didn't feel like myself. The clothing I was wearing wasn't me at all. But I had to do this. Mettaton was the love of my life. I loved him more then every star in the sky.
  I was happy being with Mettaton, but my heart was still aching inside. I missed my family. I missed my big brother. I couldn't believe how long it had been since I had seen him. I was so scared. We're we really going to hide forever? I really wanted to spend my life with Mettaton but is it worth giving up my family for.
  I felt like I was going have a panic attack, so I headed outside for fresh air to help clear my head a little. I then climbed onto the roof for some privacy. My heart felt torn in half. My heart belong to Mettaton, but my heart also belongs to my family. I couldn't believe we had to do this. We just want to be in love and be happy together. We shouldn't have to hide and lose our families. I can't hide forever.
  As I gazed into the stars, I wondered if Sans was out there. I wondered what he was doing and if he was happy. I wished that I was one of the stars so I could watch my big brother.
   "Papyrus darling, where are you?" I heard Mettaton call out. I peered my head over the roof and waved.
  "I'm up here,"
   Mettaton then slowly climbed up to join me on the roof. It was nice knowing that he was there by my side, but yet I still felt a little lonely.
  "What are you doing up here so late, my love?" Mettaton asked me.
  "I miss Sans so much....are you sure we can keep this up?" I asked him honestly. I couldn't continue to keep my feelings inside like this.
  "I know darling. I miss Alphys and Undyne. But what are we going to do?" Mettaton said sadly.
   "I honestly have no idea. I know they're out there. Maybe even looking into the beautiful night sky just like us,"
  "The sky is quite beautiful tonight. I certainly hope that they are looking at these stars," Mettaton sighed as he wrapped his arms around me and held me closer. We both cuddled close as we looked up at the night sky. Surprisingly, we both fell asleep on the roof, underneath the starry night sky.

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