(29)Do It Like A Dude

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I dedicate this chapter to massiekur5 because of the awesome cover she made for this story. Check it out: http://fav.me/d4fd7zy  and tell me if you like it :)

But like I said before that this chapter was 7 pages on word so atleast vote. I deserve it! If you love me... VOTE

If you don't love me then.... VOTE ... lol

Read on !



Do It Like A Dude

Skylar’s P.O.V.

“Ow” Hissed Ryder for the hundredth time today.

I’ve been helping Ryder with the bruises and his broken nose all day long and he can’t stop whining saying that I’m too rough.

I gritted my teeth and held my tongue. I just wanted to say ‘Be a man and suck it up’ but with the look Tom was giving me I backed down.

We’ve been in a lot of fights with other gangs and had lots of bruises and broken bones but we never got into a real fight with the Phantom Riders a.k.a. Raidon’s gang.

I put the cloth on Ryder’s nose and he flinched scowling.

“Could you be a little gentler?” He demanded and I narrowed my eyes.

 I flashed a fake smile and pressed the cloth harder on his nose making him hiss. He deserved that!

“What the hell is wrong with you?” He scowled and I chuckled but continued cleaning his wounds.

‘I’m just throwing all of my frustration on you’ I thought, I mean did he have to go in a fight with Raidon? Of all people he just had to pick Raidon.

“Skylar go easy on him, the poor guy got hit by a bull.” Drew mused and I smiled.

“True.” I tilted my head to the right and threw the cloth on the ground.

“All done.” I said and Ryder breathed out a sigh of relief.

“Hallelujah.” He threw his hands up in the air and I glared.

“You know” I started and all the guys’ attention was focused on me. “I could always give you some extra help with your bruises Ryder.” I paused waiting for Ryder’s reaction.

 Once Ryder let it all sink in his eyes grew wide and he darted out of the room. Tom and Drew chuckled shaking their heads then turned back to the movie.

I walked and jumped landing on Drew lap making him cuss.

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