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"It's the final shot between Dan and Phil." PJ exclaimed, acting as though he were a sports announcer. He stood at our air hockey table, arms outstretched against the machine. "Six to six... Who will get the winning goal?" He questioned, looking between us eagerly.

I rolled my eyes, grabbing the puck from its slot. "We could place bets, Phil." I taunted, looking across the table at him. Phil held his paddle tightly.

"What do you have in mind?" He asked, bouncing his paddle up and down on the green surface.

"When I win... You have to wear this leather shirt I have to school on Friday." I challenged, remembering the shirt PJ had bought me for my birthday as a joke. I glanced over at my friend and saw him snickering.

Phil raised his eyebrows. "Alright.. and if I win, we're going to wear matching outfits to school tomorrow." He smiled. PJ let out a loud laugh.

"You're on, Lester."

I placed the puck on the green surface, hitting it as hard as I could with the red paddle. PJ began announcing again, but all I could hear was Phil's laughter.

It was quite distracting to be honest.

We went back and forth with the puck for a little, hitting it off the walls and each others paddles, until I swung at the puck with such force it bounced off the other three walls and back into my goal.

Phil looked up at me in shock once the air hockey table shut off. He threw his hands in the air with glee, a stupid smile across his face.

"And the winner is Phil Lester!" PJ called out, walking over to Phil and using his water bottle as a microphone. "What are you gonna do now?"

"I'm going to Disneyland!" Phil cried, jumping up and down in a childish way. He and PJ laughed together. Reason number 5 not to fall in love with Phil Lester,  his tongue comes out when he laughs. It looked... different.

PJ came over to me. "I'm sorry, Dan Howell, but you've lost. Would you like to say anything?" He asked, holding the water bottle under my mouth. I shook my head, pretending to be miserable. "Well, guess you and Phil are wearing matching outfits to Disneyland."

I nodded stiffly, looking over to Phil. He was already over winning, having tucked his hand in his pocket while scrolling through his phone. I turned back to PJ and he gave me a look.

"You're not even trying to fall in love with him." He whined, putting his 'microphone' on the air hockey table.

"It's not that hard to not have feelings for someone, Peej." I retorted, taking a few steps back from PJ. "C'mon Phil, let's see if your good at skee ball as you are with air hockey." I said to color boy, leaving PJ behind me.

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