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The second Phil closed his bedroom door, the jumper was off and on the floor. "Jesus Christ." I muttered, fanning myself with the t-shirt I had worn underneath.

"I told you you could have taken it off." Phil retorted, picking up the sweater and throwing his and mine in his hamper.

"And I told you no. Whatever... The day is over now." I shrugged, looking around his room again. It hadn't changed since yesterday. The toys still mismatched, and the room still as bright as ever.

There was a sharp knock on the door, and both Phil and I jumped.

"You boys okay?" Phil's mom asked, opening the door slightly and giving us both warm smiles. My eyebrows knitted together, and I looked to Phil.

Was this the way an abuser acted around their child? Sweet and innocent until the second they were alone? And why did Phil look so calm, shouldn't he be tense or something?

"We're fine, mum." Phil grinned, sitting down on the bed next to me. "Don't worry about us."

"Okay, well.." His mom opened the door wider, keeping her focus on her son. "Martyn is out with some friends, your father is still at work, and I'm going to Julie's to help set up for her daughter's birthday party."

"Okay mum." Phil said, his voice holding a little annoyance. My head flickered between their conversation.

"You'll be fine home alone?"


"All right! Bye Philly! Bye Dan!" She waved, closing the door behind her.

Phil scoffed, pushing himself back and laying down on his duvet. "She seems nice." I told him, and he tilted his head.

I wanted to ask him about his parents, to ask him why he was still here if they treated him badly. If they treated him badly at all. How could someone so kind at his mother hurt him so much.

Now that I looked at him, there were no bruises on his face, nor his arms. "Are you okay?" I asked, watching him for a moment. I guess I was waiting for an outburst of pain, and years of apologies that didn't belong to me...

But Phil was quiet. "Yeah? Why?" He asked, staring at his ceiling. I noted how his eyes flickered between each dot on the ceiling.

"Just wondering.." I admitted. "What are you connecting the dots?" I asked, nodding my head towards the ceiling when he looked at me.

"Shut the lights off."

"What?" I laughed nervously, staring at him.

"Shut them off. I wanna show you something." He instructed, raising his hand and pointing near his door. Reason number 10 not to fall in love with Phil Lester, he was bossy sometimes.

I stood up slowly, and shut the lights off. My eyes almost popped out of my head when I glanced back up at the ceiling.

The hundreds of tiny dots were glowing, each and everyone as bright as the other. And there were more then I could even count.  "Woah." I blurted, taking in the sight.

"Come lay down." Phil said suddenly. I had forgotten he was even there, being amazed by the tiny galaxy I was floating in.

I did as I was told again, laying down on the opposite side of the bed. I stretched myself out, staring at the dots on the ceiling.


"I want to be an astronomer." Phil proclaimed, answering my question before I had even asked it. "When I grow up."

I smiled. "Is that our sky?"

"Took me forever, but yes." He said, reaching his arm above our faces. "That's the Big Dipper." He explained, maneuvering his finger across his ceiling.

"I see it now." I told him. My voice was so low I don't know how it was even audible. Somehow, he heard me.

His arms moved again. "And that's Orion's Belt." Phil said, pointing across a small area of dots.

"It's beautiful, Phil." I acknowledged his infatuation with the stars.

"Thanks. You know, someday I'm going to go to the stars and never come back."

"You mean, like, death?" I said, suddenly gaining my voice back.

"Yeah. One day we all will." He agreed, placing his hand on his chest. "But one day, I will send someone up there and bring them back. Because they deserve to see something more than this tiny Earth."

I turned my head to look at him. "This is a very deep conversation."

"It's a very deep topic." He retorted, glancing over at me before returning to his ceiling.

I followed his gaze back to our little night sky in the middle of the afternoon.

"This is nice."

"What?" I asked.

"Laying here with you. It's nice."

"Oh." For some reason, my mouth became very dry. "Then we can do it again sometime."

"I'd like that very much."

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