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Great. "Ade, get to school."

"Why are you packing?"

"I'm... Selling clothes later." I lied, keeping my back to him.

"Are you leaving?"

"For school, yes. I'll see you after." I tried to pressure him away, stuffing another shirt in my backpack.

"Where are you going?"

"Stop asking questions." I sighed, kicking my school books farther under my bed. I zipped the bag closed, shutting the light out from my shirts and pants. In the middle pocket, I had two jackets, and the little one on the front held $200.

"I'll tell mom!"

I finally turned around. "Get out." I said through gritted teeth. Adrian took a step back, his eyebrows knitting over his eyes. "I said get out!" I yelled, pointing behind him.

My little brother walked away without looking back in my room, and I sighed deeply.

I checked my back pocket for my phone. Once I knew everything was supplied, I set off for downstairs.

"Dan?" Adrian stopped me again, leaning over the railing to the staircase. I stopped on the third step and glanced up at him. "Don't run away."

"It's only for a few days. I have to make sure Phil is safe."

"Can I come?"


"I can pack quickly."

"No." I repeated, more firmly than the first time. Adrian looked away from me. "Please, please don't tell mom and dad." I muttered, watching him nod profoundly.

"I'll call you tonight." I promised, and he nodded again.

I resumed my departure, noting Phil's shadow outside my door. I took one last gaze at the top of the staircase, where Ade stood.

"You want to?" I asked. Once again, he nodded. "You'll listen to me?" Another nod.

I sighed deeply, knowing deep down I would regret this decision. "Three minutes. Meet me out front." Adrian took off running to his room, the door slamming behind him.

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