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We walked into the house quietly, making our way up the stairs, past his family, and into his room. Once the door was shut, Phil let out a deep sigh.

Reason number 8 not to fall in love with Phil Lester, he watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

His box set was the first thing I noticed when I had entered his room, besides the brightly colored duvet. In fact, everything in his room was a burst of color.

It made me jealous, almost as if I should try to liven up my bedroom. I suppose I could take something from his room to help it, like the collection of stuffed pokémon he had in the corner. Or even one of the many posters he had on the wall.

"Make yourself at home." Phil instructed, gesturing towards his bed. "I'm not sure if I have two of the same shirt... but I can check it out." He suggested, shrugging and turning into his closet.

I took a seat on his comforter, placing myself in the center of his rainbow. His room was very neat, yet half the 'toys' were either upside down or completely out of order.

My mind wandered to a million things. He watched anime? Why was there an empty hamster cage on the floor? Why were the splatters of paint on the wall?

"Hey Phil?"


"Can I ask you a question?" I said, feeling my butt sink into his bed.

"Go for it."

"How do you feel in colors?" I asked, watching him closely.

He didn't stop or stiffen, just continued to sort through his clothes. "It's not that I feel in colors..." He explained, talking to me over his shoulder. "It's that colors tend to be brighter when I feel things."

"Like?" I tried, pushing him to tell me something. The more we talked, the more we would share a bond that will show PJ I can get close to someone and not fall in love with them.

"Like... Right now. The color yellow seems to be standing out to me, and I know I'm happy." He told me.

My eyebrows furrowed. "Yellow means happy, purple means nervous... What about the rest of them?" I questioned.

Phil didn't even pause, he jumped right on in the subject. "Blue is sadness, when I see red I feel anger.. Uhm... Orange is kinda calming, you know? And green, I guess, means jealousy."

"Oh yeah?" I said, watching him slide his shirts back and forth on the rack. "That's cool."

Phil shrugged, "I guess, yeah." He agreed shortly, pulling a Christmas jumper out from his closet. "One second." He told me, holding up a finger and walking out the door.

I was left in quietness for a few moments, sitting in solitude. While I waited for him to return, I took more notes of his room.

The chirping of his air conditioner, creaking as the cool flooded the area. The bookcase filled with very popular novels and comics, many of which I had read. The stack of Muse CDs on his dresser next to a few photos of him and his family.

The thing that stuck out most to me where the dots on his ceiling. They were everywhere.. Some in patterns, some just completely out of the order.

After more than one second, Phil came back in to see me eyeing his ceiling. "This is the only matching thing I have." He explained, handing the Christmas jumper to me. "You don't have to wear it if you don't want too."

"A bet's a bet." I proclaimed, grabbing the jumper and placing it on my lap.

Colorful | Phan | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now