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"Operation: Steal the snacks." Phil raised his eyebrows at me when I came around the corner.


"We're gonna raid Johnson's closet! The heist of the century."

"Phil, you know if we get caught, we won't be able to graduate." I explained, stopping in front of him.

He rolled his eyes. "You said so yourself you were hungry."

"That was when lunch wasn't next period." I smiled, looking around the hall's nervously.

"Do you want to get into Johnson's food?"

"Yeah, but-" I stopped when Phil had shushed me again.

"You already said yes, no takesy backsies." He said, holding out his hand. I took a deep breath and shook it. "Great! So here's the plan."

"For 'Operation: Steal the snacks'?" I teased.

"It took me all of third period to come up with that name." Phil protested, giving me a fake pout. "Anyways.. Johnson always goes to the cafeteria for salad, but eats in her room. We have five minutes to get in and get out with what we want."

"Do you stalk Johnson or something?" I taunted, watching a smirk appear on his lips.

"There are three things I know about Johnson." He held up three fingers. "One, she gets salad everyday. Dos, she's allergic to cats. And C, she despises you." Phil counted off, lowering a finger every time.

"That is true." I agreed.

"The bell's about to ring, go over there." Phil pointed around the corner, rushing past me and to his 'hiding spot'. I rolled my eyes and slowly made my way over to him, but when the bell had filled the hallways, I went a little faster.

The hallway crowded with kids shortly, and just as Phil said, Johnson was in the crowd. She walked past us without even acknowledging the fact that we were five feet away from her. When she was fully down the hall, Phil and I took off running towards her classroom.

Reason number 14 not to fall in love with Phil Lester, he knows how to pick locks. In 30 short seconds, we were in Johnson's room and away from the noise.

Phil told me to keep watch while he opened the cabinet. I stood at the door, keeping my eyes glued to the hall Johnson had just left us in.

I couldn't help but wonder how many people Phil did this with before, which lead to me thinking how many people did Phil have a relationship with. I could feel my face grow hot, and I tried not to turn around until it was ready. Color boy called me over, and the sight was unbearable.

Cupcakes, granola bars, packages of cookies, gatorades and juice boxes, bags of Doritos and full sized candy bars.

We had hit the jackpot.

"Operation: Steal the snacks is a go!" Phil yelled, grabbing three bags of cookies, a blue Gatorade, and a full sized snickers. I snatched a party sized bag of Cheetos, three juice pouches, and two full sized milky way's.

And we were off. Phil slammed the cabinet, locked it back up, and sprinted out the door with me following him.

I let out a loud laugh, listening to it echo against the walls with our footsteps. Phil threw back his head and hollered, and I laughed even louder.

Once we were on the fourth floor, and a safe distance from Johnson, we sat down to our feast. A quick high five and  a short congratulations led to us digging into to the meal of a lifetime.

A/N 400 reads oh my god I remember being excited about 10!!! Thank you guys so much and more updates to come! All of you guys are so supportive and I'm so grateful!!!

Also, I was thinking about changing my cover? What do you think?

Colorful | Phan | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now