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"Phil, you absolute spork, if you lose one more race I'm breaking up with you."

Phil rolled his eyes, leaning back into my lap so that the back of his head rested against my stomach. I leaned my back on the arm rest, and he stretched his feet across the length of the couch, using my knees as rests for his elbows. He propped the controller in front of him and furiously drove his character around the screen.

Everyone had decided to play Mario Kart, which was a bad idea considering 5/7 of us eat, slept, and breathed Mario Kart, and 5/7 of us all thought we were the best at the game.

"Drive, Ian!" Dodie screamed.

"I'm going as fast as Yoshi's car will let me!" Ian hollered back.

"You douche!" Felix yelled at Anthony for throwing a blue shell at him.

Mario Kart: the game to ruin all friendships.

"That's a fake block, Phil!" Marzia screamed at color boy as he went right into the trap.

"Ha!" Anthony laughed as did his character in the game. "You went right into it, Phil!"

"Jesus Christ." I reached for the controller and Phil immediately moved his hands away.

I took over his character. When he stated "she never gets picked!" and picked Rosalina in pity, I had already regretted giving up my spot. Though, I did get first the last 3 rounds, it was time to reclaim my crown.

"Dammit it, now Dan is gonna win." Felix sighed.

"I'm coming up on your ass!" I said to Anthony.

"That's what you're supposed to do to Phil!" He shouted back, tossing a banana behind him and laughing as I sped right into it.

Dodie sat criss-cross on the floor, fingers intertwined and set on her lap. Being the third wheel wasn't fun, nonetheless the seventh wheel. I couldn't help but feel bad for her. She must've not wanted out pity though, cause she didn't mention anything upsetting as she sat alone.

"And Dan wins again!" I patted myself on the back. Phil tilted his head up at me and I looked down at him.

"Don't be a sore winner." He said.

"You still love me." I said back, leaning down to kiss him on the forehead. Felix started a collective "Ew!", and the room erupted like a class of kindergarteners.

"I got second." Anthony look at Ian, puckering his lips and closing his eyes.

"Yeah, putting me in third." Ian spat, putting his foot in Anthony's face.

"Leaving you in fourth." Marzia added, smiling over at Felix.

"I only keep you around cause you're supposed to be my good luck charm." He teased. She smiled and kissed him.

"Well!" Dodie exclaimed, standing up. "This was fun, but until I find myself someone hotter than me, I'm not gonna come back. Which is impossible, cause there is no one hotter than me... So, you may never see me again."

"Awe, Dorothy, don't leave now." Phil whined.

"It's fine. You all enjoy your love fest and I'll see you guys in school Monday. Peace from the junior." She held up a peace sign with her fingers and left the through the front door.

As she exited, Phil's brother entered. "Woah. Thanks Phil, for asking if you could have friends over."

"I'm having friends over." Phil sat up, but didn't move far away from me.

"Did you buy milk?" Martyn asked, setting his keys down on the table in the kitchen.

"Not yet, but it's the first thing in my to-do list." Phil replied.

"You take advantage of my hospitality."

"Sure I do. Let's do rainbow road!"

"No!" Everyone in the room yelled at him, annoyed groans flying through the room.

"Okay, jeez." Phil put his hands up in defense. "I mean two thirds of us are gay, just thought it'd be funny."


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